She belongs to me

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Author YourDarknessMySoul3

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She's mine

•"So where the fuck were you last night?" Nicholas asked in a daring calm voice. It was like he was reminding her what her place was.

"Out" She answered as she tried moving his hand from her waist but he only tightened his grip.

He swung her around to where they were now face to face barely any space separating the two.

He pushed her against the closed door trapping her between his arms.

"You do not want to play this fucking game with me Juliet" He whispered excruciatingly close to her ear.

"It doesn't concern you Nicholas" Juliet answered as she looked away from his piercing eyes.

Scoffing she pushed him away. This was not how her night was supposed to go, she imagined that he wouldn't care. He didn't need too she was a burden to him after all.

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