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Author: jenngrae

Alethea has always had bad luck. With her relationships, she has always had the worst luck. The only person who had been there for her is her best friend, Rae. Everything goes terrible when they decide to go out and they get kidnapped. Alethea tries to find her way out of the mess that she has gotten into. Aaro needs help, as does Alethea. They team up and try to work together to get what they both want.

Alethea Hart is a normal girl who had a difficult past. She's been hurt in the past, physically and emotionally, by many people in her life which makes it difficult for her to trust anyone.

Aaro Locke is known as the devil of the mafia world. He is feared by many and is not afraid to resort to violence or even kill. It's all he's known, which makes it difficult for him to trust anyone.

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