09 | Awake

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Torn pages of a weathered leather-covered book, stained a rich coffee brown by the relentless march of time, lay before Ada

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Torn pages of a weathered leather-covered book, stained a rich coffee brown by the relentless march of time, lay before Ada. A canvas of a thousand scribbles, etched in dark graphite, seemed to mock her weary eyes.

Not a single curve, not a straight line, offered solace as tears fell, turning the paper into a mushy canvas of emotions. Her fingertips traced over the graphite lines, each one dedicated to dreams that never materialised, and memories destined to fade away with her.

As her eyes moved through the pages, the perfect curves of his plump lips formed an adorable smile, and his eyes, even in pale forest green pastels on the rough paper, shone with a timeless radiance. Weightless papers flipped on their own, guided by a gentle breeze, stopping at a page where tiny figures in graphite outline giggled silently. A man, draped in a dark cloak outlined with graphite, and a girl half his size danced across the page, their motions radiating the bliss of life. Despite her best efforts, fresh tears welled up, and she clapped her palms over her eyes, losing herself to a decade-long sob.

"Ada..." A warm voice, belonging to the kindest woman on this planet, whispered near her ear, pulling her from the maze of weary thoughts. She hastily shut the book before glancing over it, meeting her compassionate gaze. Her fingers gently stroked through Ada's hair, planting a soft kiss.

"Grandma... you're back?" Ada mumbled, her voice cracking with each syllable.

"Yes, honey. It finished earlier than expected. But why are you crying, sweetie?"

"It's nothing."

It really wasn't nothing, but Ada didn't want to burden her grandmother with her pain. She knew she struggled with those memories, but she needed to move forward, and her grandmother understood that too.

"Come on, dear. You look really torn when you cry."

"Sorry, Grandma. I just... I just can't help it."

Another stream of hot tears traced down Ada's wet cheeks, and her grandmother cupped Ada's cheeks in her puffy rosy hands, her melodic voice soothing Ada's torn soul.

"Shhh... It's okay. Everything is gonna be okay." As her comforting words wrapped around Ada, she found solace in her grandmother's embrace. Her grandmother drew a silver chain from her pocket, unveiling a small crescent moon pendant, identical to the one Ada thought was lost years ago.

"Is that... Is that my Luna Pearl?" Ada asked, her eyes widening in surprise.

Her grandmother reached for Ada's hands, placing the ornament gently on Ada's palm. "It is. Beautiful, right?"

"But didn't it get destroyed the last time I fought with Gan?" Ada had never expected to see it again after that fateful encounter.

"It did not sweetheart. Luna Pearl is more than you think it is. A mere spirit like him can do nothing to destroy it."

Her grandmother's face shifted from sweet warmth to seriousness, her chocolate brown eyes holding a mixture of love and concern.

"But I have to admit he's quite the tough one. Remember, he's not dead. He's just severely damaged. Be prepared when he returns."

"Is that her?" a whispered voice dragged her out of her daze. Her head spinned. She felt weightless, as if her body had become insubstantial.

"Is she dead?" another voice questioned, curiosity evident.

"I don't think so. She is breathing," a third voice exclaimed, concern lacing their words.

"Move aside, Brit. Let me see her too... Ooh, she is beautiful," a fourth voice joined in, clearly pleased by what they saw.

Gradually, she was returning to consciousness as the chirping of her surroundings grew crisp, their presence looming in the darkness. Those twinkling green eyes stared down at her, dispelling any notion of heavenly peace. Clad in black, they blended into the dimly lit space, their ominous gazes intensifying.

Death was not something easily evaded. Ada had tackled it quite a few times, as had countless other Romersais. Just as a season must eventually come to an end, every living being, no matter how resilient, was destined to face its ultimate demise.

'It seems I have reached my end, just like that. By my own kin. My own blood. And see how gracefully I've landed in hell!'

A chilling coldness permeated her bones, anchoring her to the cursed surface beneath her. Though her body yearned to escape, it remained unresponsive, as if trapped in an invisible prison. Amid of her bewildered state, an icy touch grazed her wrist, eliciting an involuntary startle and causing her to recoil.

The contact was painful, the fleeting sensation left a lingering sting upon her skin. As the chill subsided, the whispers of the ghostly figures surrounding her intensified, their spectral voices growing louder and more insistent. The air crackled with an energy she couldn't quite put her finger on.

"Not dead, are you?" a voice spoke, its words slicing through the air like a winter breeze.

Then it was back. The touches. Worse tenfold. The icy sensation spread like tendrils along her right arm, tracing a chilling path that sent involuntary shivers down her spine. She clenched her eyes shut tightly, the weight of her circumstances pressing upon her weary soul.

A sharp pang tugged at her heart as she remembered Auden and their final moments together. They weren't essentially pleasant given the fact that they were at each other's throats. She had failed to save him from the demon within. She had failed them both.

A solitary tear managed to escape the confines of her tired eyes, tracing a glistening path down her cheek. Self-pity engulfed Ada, engulfing her in a sea of sorrow as she yearned to unleash her pent-up emotions through anguished sobs.

Suddenly an ominous croak of a raven resonated through the air, its haunting sound cutting through the silence, becoming more clearer and solid as it closed in every pulsing second. It was followed by the rush of mighty wings, their powerful strokes creating a gust of wind. With each beat, they drew nearer, closing the distance between the unknown entity and her fragile form till a touch down clang of something sharp and the same force scraping the solid ground. Straining her ears, she caught the faint but distinct sound of approaching footsteps, measured and deliberate.

The icy touches that had sent shivers down her spine now receded, their cold embrace relinquishing its hold on her arm. She remained still, her senses heightened anticipating whatever to come.

"Is that what I asked you to do?" a hauntingly familiar voice quired, growing stronger and closer by the second, its tone filled with a mix of anger and disappointment.

"But my Lord, she is not dead," one of the voices from before attempted to explain.

"And did I ask you to check on her for that? When did I ask you to try and feast upon her soul, you lowlife?" the voice bellowed, its fury reverberating through the space.

'Wait, does that mean I'm still alive? Did I not die?' Summoning her strength, Ada commanded her eyelids to open, and this time they complied. And her surroundings slowly came into focus. She felt a wave of relief wash over her. She was still intact.

And then, her gaze fell upon the newly arrived face, way too familiar to miss, its amber eyes holding a glimmer of concern.

"You are... awake." He whispered.

A QUEST OF DEATH : Shadows Never Lie (undergoing MACRO EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now