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"I want to take you out on a date, baby." These words came out of his mouth as soon as he entered the bedroom. It was late in the evening and we were back home. I had come upstairs to take a bath while he prepared dinner for the two of us.

"Now? It's late, Tae."

"No. Tomorrow." He said, looking at my face expectedly.

"Okay, then. Date it is." I replied with a soft smile to give him some sort of easiness.

He visibly relaxed in front of me. I wonder how he even thought that I would deny him for anything. He could've asked for my life and I'd have given it gladly.

"I'm honoured, my love. Now let's go have dinner, yeah?" He asked.

"Yeah," I replied.


"Where are we going, Taehyung?" I asked him for the fourth time now but I knew better than to expect answers for his surprises for me.

"Anything but that, my love. You're not going to get that one out of me." He said nonchalantly. Often, I wondered how was he able to smile at all when I do something as small as eating more sauce than the pasta when he was always poker-faced like this. He is a blank book for you if you're not me.

We've been driving for what seemed to be fifteen minutes and I had not the slightest idea how more it's gonna take us to reach the damn destination so I decided to end my suffering and put on some music.

My favourite song playing in the background, my boyfriend driving while I looked out at the beautiful nature that's almost a blur from how fast he's driving. It's like a dream come true.

I hated surprises. Well, I loved the idea of getting something completely unexpected but still, I am more concerned about the way I'll be getting it. I didn't know I was shaking my leg when I felt his large, veiny hand on the bare skin of my thigh. My movements halted abruptly while I sat frozen in place. The goosebumps rose from the tingles his touch is sending up my spine.

"Tense, huh. Even after so many times that I've touched you. That's my sweet little girl." He praised as he slid his hand dangerously close to my pussy. He's teasing me. He knows how much I'm aching just for him to touch me where I want him to the most.

I decided to end my misery and place my hand on top of his. I grabbed it and shoved it inside my panties to cup my pussy with it. He let me. He simply drove while I used his hand as my own. I heaved my hips up and slid his middle finger inside my tight hole with a whimper. I threw my head back on the seat and glanced down at him. He looked so tense, so rigid that I could feel it in my body. He bit his bottom lip hard as he drove the vehicle with one hand.

I shoved another finger of his inside my pussy and rode his hand as if it was his dick. My mouth hung open and my eyes closed as the sheer pleasure shoot inside every corner of my body and lighting it up on fire. I broke all the restraints I had on my mouth and let the moans and whimpers slip out of it as if I were reciting a mantra.

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