~22~ The Crown Prince

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"You're insane!" the empress said.

Namjoon let the wind blow through his tired heart.

"That day did you truly request your imperial father to take away your crown prince position?" the empress asked sternly.

Namjoon nodded his head.

"I'll never let that happen!" the empress shouted. "I've planned this future for you for many years. What do you mean you're not going to battle anymore? You must keep battling even if you don't want to."

Namjoon laughed coldly. "Please, Don't force me, Eomma."

The empress felt helpless. Was it her own son who was standing in front of her? Why did he became completely different from her?

"Eomma, it's windy," Namjoon said. "Go back to your chamber."

Namjoon glanced at the bloodstain on the wall again then he left his courtyard.

The following day news of the emperor was awake and alert spread outside the palace. It was rumored the emperor was deeply moved by the filial Third prince who never left the emperor's bedside while the emperor was ill.

At Taehyung's manor, Seorin felt tired so she napped on the bed.

During the period the emperor was ill, Taehyung was free, and he leisurely spend his free time. But today one of Taehyung's guards knocked on the door. Taehyung opened the door and the guard reported the news about the emperor being awake and alert.

Taehyung closed the door after the guard left and returned to the bed.

Seorin opened her eyes and looked at Taehyung. "The emperor's conscious?"

Taehyung nodded his head. "It's been three days, of course, the emperor needs to be conscious again."

"I'm waiting for the emperor's edict," Seorin said.

Seorin felt lethargic, she didn't want to move her body but she didn't want Princess Ji Hoon to live another peaceful day.

Taehyung held Seorin's hand. "Seorin, I want to hear how you feel about your father."

Seorin frowned. She knew Taehyung was asking her before the emperor's edict if she wanted him to ask the emperor to spare her father's life.

"Although he's my father," Seorin said. "We've lived together for four years but there's no love between us. I think only losing his prime minister position is too soft on him. He's the reason why my eomma was killed. But he's still my father, I don't want him to lose his life."

"I understand," Taehyung said. He hugged Seorin. "Seorin, don't worry. I'll ask imperial father to spare his life. Also, Park Jin Young isn't someone who idly waits for death. Park Jin Young acts as a weak man, but he wouldn't have kept his prime minister position all these years if he wasn't a capable man. That's why I think he'll do everything to save his own life."

"What will he do?" Seorin asked.

Taehyung hugged Seorin tighter and he looked outside the window.

As Taehyung expected, after Park Jin Young heard the emperor was awake Park Jin Young dressed and rushed to the palace to see the emperor.

The emperor was reading reports when Jimin entered the emperor's chamber.

"Your majesty, Prime Minister Park requests to see your majesty," Jimin said.

"I don't want to see him, Jimin." the emperor Kim Seokjin said.

Jimin walked outside the royal chamber and Park Jin Young begged Jimin to persuade the emperor to see him.

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