People arguing in the streets

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I'm always doing this. This one time, a couple was fighting in the street (or their parking lot, to be precise) and since their house is next to mine and my window was closest to their house, I heard everything!!

They didn't even see me since my window is on the second story.

Apparently the guy was cheating on the girl and the girl found out so they were arguing for like 2 hours.

It was 2 am and I was watching Once Upon A Time when this happened and I was so entertained (I already watched the OUAT episode). I felt so rude but the argument was so good!! The whole time I was making comments in my head whenever one spoke. The girl dumped his sorry butt, good job girl *gives high five*!

Question: do you eavesdrop on people's conversation in the road.

My answer: yes, if I'm bored or the arguments really good!!

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