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Ok so now I'm posting the poll suggestions. And you can't vote for your own (sorry). Just vote for your favorite out of all of them, and then the winner will be posted tomorrow or Sunday. Good luck suggesters!

Cupcakes- tazbad5

Manes people- puppylovelou

Jelly beans- puppylovelou

Baby donut homies- puppylovelou

CamilaBeans- Jami_Son

BanillaBeans- Jami_Son

Vanilla minions- ThePsychoInTheCloset

Vanilla wafers- KateriPorcelli

Macaronis- luvmilo121

Vanilla beans- 99Haras

Vanilla pop- emerald24668

Vanilla waves- emerald24668


Just comment 'I vote this one' or something similar to that next to the persons suggestion. Remember don't vote for your own, only for others.


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