It was enchanting meeting you² (Rosamund Pike x Reader)

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But then again, wishing is enough to make something happen.

The childish happiness from her assistant dried out and formed into a knowing smile, her head pointing softly into a direction her blank mind couldn't follow fast enough. A lot of people ended up talking to them throught the night, but none of them made Y/N smile that way when she saw a slender body covered in black aprouch the pair of colegues - almost friends.

Rosamund looked between the two of them, smiling idyllically before adressing to them. "I do hope i'm not interrupting your happy chatter, but i made myself a promise to congratulate you both before heading back to my room.", her voice sounded muffed against the soft music playing around, almost like her tone was just as melodious as the beautifully played piano.

"Oh, no! Not at all." Jess took her chance on answering before Y/N could say anything stupid to make her go away. "Thank you so much, Miss Pike. I should actually get going. Already had too much champagne, haven't  I?," the question was directed to Y/N, who was easily confused as to why her friend was leaving so soon, but as their eyes met, she could also hear a silent "don't mess this up" before leving them both with a "Have a good night". 

As Jess disappeared between famous people, Y/N's eyes caught sight of Rosamund. She was changed into a black pantsuit she could recognize by fas was also being one of Dior's design. She was even more beautiful than the last time she saw her.

"It isn't fair, is it?" Y/N asked sundely after looking at her for too long. Longer that socially aceptable.

Rosamund arched her right eyebrow, smile lever leaving her was she questioned Y/N's choice of word. At that moment she knew that forgetting Rosamund was impossible, and that it it was their last moments together, she should at least give it a try in also being hard to forget.

"It isn't fair that you managed to make me thing about you all day long." was her choice of explanation, lips parting just enough so the glass could touch it, and more champagne could be swallowed hard and strong. She was not drunk, but her calculating brain was just not there anymore. All of her well thought words, and her sheltered behaviour didn't existe when all she could think about was how much was too much to ask. She was enchanted. Completely, uterly, painfully at the actress's mercy. She could only hope.  "And it isn't fair that i have to stand here, looking at you, thinking about how much i'd like to know you. About if i'm even allowed to wish for that."

               Please don't be in love with
           someone else. Please don't have
                somebody waiting on you

Rosamund was not taken aback by Y/N's words, but something behind her beautiful soft caring eyes changed. She was surprised, yes, but only she knew how positive that surprise was inside of her head.

She was a known woman, ever so slighly too much. She knew too many people, went to to many places, dresses in too many clothes, and shared too many nights with stranges in places like the one they were standing, dancing around each other withou having to move their feets.

Yet, no one, no place, nothing made her fell like Y/N did in the first time she heard about the fashion designer. Someone with so much on her plate, yet remembering all of the team to put an exra effort into making her feel welcomed by fresh pastries and tea, as a brit would. Once her face became more than bluried lines and supositions, she was more than sure about how special and thoughfull the woman was. Y/N managed to break and rebuilt everything she knew about wanting in the hours she satyed inside her hotel room, watching her like no one else did in all of her years in fornt of the cameras, or on a stage. 

                    This night is sparkling,
                        don't you let it go

"That's rich." Rosamund filled in, finally moving herself to be properly in front of Y/N, dangerously close to her that she could tell by the scent of her breath the brand of expensive champagne the fashion designer was having fot he night. A different one than she's had. "I thought i've overteped your bunderies earlier."

Y/N blinked, having expected for Pike to say anything but that. Scream at her. Laugh at her. To say she was crazy for saying something to weird.

"I- you didn't. All you did was make me thinkg that, maybe, I could -", she steped closer, and closer. If that wasn't a private gathering, it'd be too dangerous for Y/N to dare to even stand beside her, let alone almost join their chests together as she did then and there. Not daring much more than she already did, Rosamund's welcoming eyes and certain words showed that maybe it was not crazy. Maybe she could, "Show you the Pont Alexandre III at midnight, and walk you places you certainly have been before, but not with me. Just so we could breathe and talk, and then i'd let you know how it was enchanting meeting you."

Rosamund's smile was brigther than the sun, Y/N was sure. She had probably said something right between all of the nonsense of too much sincerity her post-alcoholl consuption mind insisted in gifting her. Pike, on the other hand, seemes pleased that fot the first time the younger woman did'nt seem to neravous to even look at her, and she could see how there was a soft smile in the corner of her lips, and how her beautiful eyes were also full of daydreaming bliss. So distracting and inviting that she thought that kissing her right there was not as bad as it could present itself to be.

But she didn't.

She discreetly brushed her hand against Y/N's, reaching out to take the glass from her soft fingers before leaving in a tray passing by them. The youngest's eyes bore into her, questioning silently as their time became unlimited. Between all of those faces and chatter and music, they were completely lost into each other.

"This place is too crowded.", was all she offered before interlocking their fingers together between thir bodies, starting to lead them away from the party and out to a Parisian night and the making of a dream.

"You know you don't have to do as i said, right?", Y/N manifested once they were out. The acress laughed at that, softly pressing their fingers together as a silent way of tellingher that she, just as Y/N, wished for nothing more than a chance to test out if the growing feeling inside of her was worth fighting for.

"I want to."

There were words left unsaid as Rosamund breathed in slowly, looking at Y/N in the moonlight, the wind making her perfectly made hair a beautiful mess. There was no need to even question if she wanted to make it work. To get to know her manerisms, her flaws, and to know how she could learn to want them as much as she wanted her. It was a innocent way of falling, and something that made her feel like she was back at being younger, and hoplessly wishing for someone, and it was as perfect as it could be. 

                   This is me praying that
             This was the very first page


Here it is the second and last part of It was enchanting meeting you, the plot that originated this whole collection of oneshots and stories. My initial thought was to make something with an open ending, giving the idea of a start based on the plotline from Enchanted, by Taylor Swift. I know I seems like the end it's not an end, but that's what I went for and the reason why I used the expressions want and wish instead of love, as it's the beginning of their story. 

I may or may not still write something in the same universe of It was enchanting meeting you, but it won't be entitled as this, and probably will show different things about the relationship between them, which is a different type from the relationship I wrote about in the The best this that's even been mine (my personal favorite). Let's see how that goes tho!

𝕰𝑛𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑛𝑡𝑒𝑑 (Rosamund Pike)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora