"You will never rule over us. I princess of the mermaids will fight alongside the beast for Elaine my friend" one said as I growled.

"I will stand with the beast" a few more began to say as I watched more and more soldiers and kingdoms began to rise alongside the beast... he now had an army behind him ready to fight with him. "You fool! I yelled in ager as I flew into the air and began to use my power killing soldiers with my power. The war had started, I then used my powers to summon an army of my own.

Leonardo's P.O.V

They fought with me for Elaine, I will find her and take her from all this evil. I struck down the soldiers Helena had summoned using my strength in my regular form. Gabriel and Alice fought on my side the sound of clashing and clanking was heard and the battle cries of men and woman was herd all around. I watched the moon slowly go from its normal glow to small slits of red, it's almost time I must hurry.

Suddenly one of Helena's soldiers was killed before it could come near me, I turned to see as I watched the vampire boy fight. "My name is Ben, I'm a good friend of Elaine, I will fight by your side" he'd said with great strength, Elaine is remarkable she alone allowed the kingdoms to join forces to fight Helena.

"I'll take care of everything here now go get Elaine they are keeping her in a mirror once shattered she will be released" he said as he fought more of Helena's armada. "I have a plan" I said as he simply nods.

I spread my large wings and flew into the sky where the war continued. More of Helena's soldiers tried to attack me in the air. Their blood drenched my hands, my body felt alive as I watched the bloodshed, I immediately shook off this feeling as I focused on my objective.

Helena watched me as I seen her blast orange rays of power at me I dodged them as I casted my magic to chain her, she blocked them using her protection spell.

Helena and I began to cast out magic spells as she kept her distance from me her eyes widened when I almost got her with my powers, she is afraid...

"You are fearful 'I said as I stood on the rubble where I had last fought her many centuries ago. She looked distorted her hair a mess and the structure was sloppy, "Fearful of you, don't make me laugh you are weak and pathetic I am queen" she screamed as I walked slowly towards her. "I can sense your magic is draining.... Using too much are we now" I spoke as she began to back away. "If you come any closer I will kill her" she threatens as she pulls out the mirror my eyes narrowed as she huffed and puffed her sister then appeared next to her along with Sebastian.

"Helena you told me you would give me her" Sebastian said as she smirked towards him. "I said a lot of things you were never supposed to live this long anyways, Kelia you know what to do" she said as her sister flew towards him as they begun to fight I simply looked towards Helena and the mirror.

I gave the signal as soldiers including Ben ambush Helena she let out a scream as she turned towards them distracted she accidentally drops the mirror her eyes widen as it shatters it began to glow as the parts begin to form Elaine as she laid there in a white dress I flew towards her. "Come my love" I reach out but rather than take my hand she grabbed a sword from the ground and slashes one of Helena's soldiers, "I want to fight" she said as my eyes slightly widen the fire in her began to flourish.

"Helena I will not stand for you hurting anymore innocent people" she yelled as Helena turned slowly towards Elaine she then drops a body in front of Elaine causing Elaine to shake.

"Ben...." She whispered....

"Don't cry Elaine, I knew my fate and I would fight by your side until the end of time if it meant you were safe." He whispered as Elaine rushed to his side, she let out a scream as she hugged his body. "Ben I just got you I can't lose you now... Leo please do something" she turned to me with tears in her eyes I casted a spell and his body disappeared from her arms. "He is safe" I spoke as Helena smirked. "Gone soft have we?" she said towards me.

Elaine's P.O.V

I had been released and am now ready to fight, using what little powers I had I was able to stop many of Helena's soldiers from advancing.

I then heard a scream from Helena as I turned I suddenly seen Sebastian had his hand through Kelia's chest ripping out her heart. He smirked evilly as Kelia's body fell to the floor. "I told you I would kill you" he said towards her lifeless body but yet her body simply disappeared as though ... she's not really dead.... Sebastian looked towards me immediately knowing that I was too clever for their tricks.

I rapidly whipped my head towards Leonardo he was fighting Helena just as I was about to scream and tell him it's a trick a hand had covered my mouth, I let out a small enough scream to cause Leonardo's eyes to turn black he immediately teleports from fighting Helena to being In front of me holding the neck of non-other than Sebastian, "you've touched what's mine, caused her great pain, I shall put you out of your misery by ending your life" he said as Sebastian let out a growl, the entire vampire kingdom turned towards us as they charged, Leonardo simply gave them all a glance enough to send a wave of fear knocking most out.

Suddenly Sebastian turned into smoke as I was grabbed my hair and yanked back. I let out a scream as Leonardo turned immediately to see Kelia holding my hair and holding a blade to my neck. "Move and I kill her."

the blood moon was now at its highest peak....

"Leonardo!" I scream as I look behind him to see Sebastian having a smirk on his face and Helena with the dagger as she pulls it from behind her back she has a revolting grin on her face, as though everything as going in slow motion. I manage to get out of Kelia's grasp I desperately begin to run towards Leonardo as Helena gets closer I feel a desire to save him the air was thin, the sky was a deep red tone, the smell of blood spread through the air as bodies were littered all around, the war was continuing to rage on with the growls and battle cries of men and women was heard loudly.

I have one chance...

"Leonardo!" I let out a scream as I miraculously can grasp him by the shoulders, without a second thought to spare I turn our bodies having me now face Helena I then feel a sharp sensation in the center of my back. I gasp I feel my body going numb, my once white dress was now stain with my blood. Leonardo's eyes widen as he sees the dagger recognizes it, his eyes turn black as he rips out Helena's heart immediately with all his strength, a dark aura begins to swarm around Leonardo as I slowly fall to the ground, he grabs my waist gently holding me close to him.

"I love you" I whisper as I place my hand on his face gently, Fiona and the others immediately come to my side but the fear they had towards Leonardo caused them to keep their distance.

"Elaine" Leonardo whispered in a rigid voice as his body began to shake a tear fell from my eye "I wish I could have lived for all eternity with you" I say as I feel myself slipping away... becoming too weak my hand slowly fell as my eyes began to close I seen the world around us become dark as Leonardo was beginning to release the darkest of his powers....

Then a deep dark growl was heard

The world then went black...

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