Chapter 6 // Fingerpainting

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As soon as they were in the playroom Charlie began to search for some ideas to help Alex feel small. He spotted his dresser and decided that Alex first needed to be in something cute and cozy. He giggled with excitement and hurried over to the dresser where he found a Stitch onsie.

 He giggled with excitement and hurried over to the dresser where he found a Stitch onsie

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"Put dis on!" He said tossing the onsie into the blonde boys arms.

"Oh, uh okay" Alex replied. While he got dressed, Charlie continued to look around the room. He came across his bin holding all his art supplies like his coloring books, crayons, glitter glue, and paint. A big smile spread across his face as he pulled out some paper and his paints. He brought the items to the middle of the room and placed them on the floor. By now Alex was in the onsie and observing Charlie. "What are we doing here?" He asked curiously.

"Finger painting!" Charlie said throwing his arms up in the air. Alex smiled and chuckled softly to himself. It looked like all the excitement was causing Charlie to regress. He could tell by the sound of his voice and how easily excited he was. "Ooh, I should change into a onsie too and it'll be like a jammy party!" Charlie squealed and went back to the dressor to change into his Scrump onsie.

"Kay I ready!" Charlie said as he waddled back to the middle of the room

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"Kay I ready!" Charlie said as he waddled back to the middle of the room. He sat on the floor and pulled at Alex's sleeve for him to join. Alex smiled and sat by him. He was still a bit hesitant to let himself regress, especially now that Charlie was starting to feel small. But not wanting to spoil the fun, he agreed to do some finger painting.

At first he just watched as Charlie dipped his finger In the yellow cup of paint and painted a circle, then some lines coming out of it to make a sun.
He looked down at his own paper trying to come up with what he should make. Lilly and Penelope came into the room just then and layed down beside them. It was easy to decide what to paint after that. He found the brown and black cups of paint, then got to work. He worked carefully at first, like he always did when he'd draw or paint. He found himself stressing over the little details that couldn't quiet come out as well without a brush. Charlie looked up from his work and saw Alex's slightly furrowed eyebrows. He put a hand on Alex's arm, bringing the boys attention over to him.

"Try not to stress so much over it" he said to him. "This is just for fun".

Alex nodded and looked back down at his puppy painting. "Okay" he sighed trying to relax.

"Here, this should help" Charlie said placing a paci in his hand.

Alex held it in his hand for a few moments while Charlie went back to his painting. Finally he put in his mouth and almost immediately felt more at ease. As the minutes went by, his painting became more and more fun, the colors he was using looked as though they were getting brighter, and even the puppy he painted looked friendlier. He smiled softly behind his paci as he started to feel as light as a fluffy cloud. He readjusted himself so that he was laying on his stomach while he painted. He added a rainbow and some flowers to his painting. By the time the boys were done they had all sorts of colors staining their skin. Alex just loved how his hands looked like he touched a rainbow.

"Tada!" Alex said holding up his masterpiece.

Charlie giggled and clapped his hands. "I wuv it!" He said tossing his arms in the air.

"Thankies. I like yours too" Alex said behind his paci. Charlie got a roll of tape and hung up their paintings on the wall. "What should we do now?"

Charlie tapped his chin while he gave it some thought, which turned his chin blue. Alex giggled at this while grabbing at his socks.
"Ooh, I know!" Charlie squeaked. "Come with me!" He took Alex's hand and took them to the livingroom. Lilly and Penelope followed them and sat on the couch. Charlie had Alex sit with them while he turned the TV on and put a cartoon on.

"What are we watchin?" The small blonde asked curiously.

"Dragon tales!" Charlie announced.

Alex had never seen Dragon Tails. But he did like dragons. Just the name excited him. He grabbed a soft blanket hanging off the couch and rapped it around him. After Charlie found what he was looking for he pressed play. He turned around and nearly died from the cuteness in front of him. There was Alex with his pacifier all wrapped up in his blanket and cuddling the pups. Charlie smiled adoringly at his boyfriend and went to go join them. He cuddled up close to Alex who hummed with joy. It wasn't long before he was completly lost in the cartoon. He felt so happy in this moment. He finally didn't feel so worried, or stressed. Just happy and comfortable.

About halfway through the cartoon Alex turned his head to face Charlie, who was almost asleep by now. He smiled and kissed his cheek. "Thank you Charlie" he whispered.

Charlie smiled and hugged him tight. "Anything for my Alex" he whispered back.

A/N: Very sorry with how late this. Been going through a lot lately. Regardless, I hope you all enjoyed :) Next chapter will have a lot more little Alex :3

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