The start♥️

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K:Hey Sapnap!
K: Sapnap!
S: what do you idiots want?!
K: if I got me and quackity both tickets can we stay with you and Dream?
S:sure sure whatever
Q:That was easy!

Next morning
At dream & saps house
Sapnap woke up and rubbed his eyes, he got his phone and check messages. "I TOLD THEM THEY COULD STAY?!" Sapnap yelled from shock, Dream walked in "Sapnapppp come on Ive yelled for you to many times I cooked breakfast, more like lunch now!" "Coming coming!"
Dream walked out and back down stairs. Sapnap got up and ran down stairs and sat at the island. "Eat up" Dream said Sapnap yawned, "Dream would you be ok with Karl and quackity staying here?" Sapnap asked, "of course!" Sapnap cook a bite of pancakes and looked at his phone. Dream look at Sapnap "something wrong sap?" "No." Sapnap answered.

Sapnap look like he was expecting a text but everytime he looked at his phone nothing was there, he knew Karl or quackity would call soon saying they got tickets and blah blah blah. Sapnap was ok with them stay in fact he loved the idea of them staying but Sapnap had a secret that he couldn't tell just yet, "Make sure to go to the store today Sapnap!" Dream reminded the boy. "oh shit! I forgot about that sorry!" Sapnap has been off the charts busy, having to stream, well that's really if he was also invited to a mr beast video not to long ago he declined it tho because of his secret. "I'll go now!" Sapnap said getting up grabbing the car keys and running outside, he start the car as soon as he heard his phone ding. He grabbed his phone as he started to drive off it was Karl...    


K:Hey sap! I got me and quackity tickets for
next week! I'm so excited!
S:that's cool! So will I need to pick you up or...
K: that would be great, I'll text you when we get to the
Airport on Monday!
S:ok! What airport?
S: Alright got it! Dreams gonna drive tho
He won't let me drive at night.
K:ok! I'll see you on Monday! I love you!

Those words killed Sapnap how was he gonna respond?


K:Hey sap! I got me and quackity tickets for
next week! I'm so excited!
S:that's cool! So will I need to pick you up or...
K: that would be great, I'll text you when we get to the
Airport on Monday!
S:ok! What airport?
S: Alright got it! Dreams gonna drive tho
He won't let me drive at night.
K:ok! I'll see you on Monday! I love you!

I mean how else was he gonna respond? Sapnap drove to the store and parked the car, "I FORGOT MY WALLET!" Sapnap looked around, "shit shit shit!!!" He got back in the car and drove back home

Few hours later

"Sorry dream I forgot my wallet can I go tomorrow?" Sapnap said worriedly Dream laughed, "AGAIN?!!!" Dream was dieing of laughter. "Sorry!" Sapnap said and ran up to his room,
"Can I keep this secret..."

Cliff hanger

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