"Won't anyone think something is odd? Someone like me with you? Linking arms like this?" Looking around, Únik could see heads turning away and whispers passing through the air about someone behind them.

"Not at all. They'll just think we're lovers." Ylthara laughed as Únik stiffened again. Even her laugh was so different from the one she used during the journey. This laugh was light and tinkled like icicles tapping against each other. "Very well, my sweet, I shall stop teasing you. But we will discuss that incident further. It was an ... unexpected turn of events."

Únik had to agree with that sentiment. She had never found a woman attractive in her life. If truth be told, she had found few men attractive, either, but 'few' was not 'none'. Until meeting Ylthara, Únik had never looked upon a woman in such a way that she could bare restrain the beating of her heart.

The feelings had crept up on her, over the days of struggle, the distrust and close proximity. She had found herself looking to Ylthara more often, not with eyes that could not decide whether it was she that spoke the truth, and not her sister, but with eyes that only wanted to see the woman. Laying upon the bed in her room at the Ūtharan compound and those feelings had hit like lightning from the sky. And, it seemed, Ylthara had had similar thoughts.

After all, that night and morning in Guhugng, Ylthara had said as much. That she wasn't attracted to women either. And yet. Únik almost allowed herself to think that she wasn't much of an example of a woman, but, looking down at her dress as it clung to her curves, she had to, grudgingly, admit, she felt quite feminine. For once.

"Countess! What did you do to catch this simply beautiful specimen?" A woman, older and wearing the thick, Hagragng style of dress, looked up into Únik's face. The woman had dusted her face an unnatural pale white and Únik could see the lines of age. "I heard the Lady Ylthara had chosen killing things over the joys of love."

"Lady Juurug, if I said we met while killing things, would that explain well enough?" Laughing, Ylthara reached out to touch Lady Juurug's arm and they shared a laugh that Únik could tell did not pass beyond their faces. "What can one say? Seeing the Countess covered in the blood of an enemy stole my heart."

"Oh! Do tell me more." Lady Juurug leaned forward in a conspiratorial manner, touching Únik's arm. It seemed the thing for these nobles to do, touch arms as though that could hide their distaste for each other.

"It was a Snow Wyrm. It killed four of our people and two of our horses." Stuttering over her words, almost mumbling, Únik tried her best to enter into the spirit of things. "I killed it with a spear before it devoured our healer."

The Lady Juurug's face dropped and she tried to maintain a modicum of dignity as the corners of her mouth twitched. She looked towards Ylthara for confirmation but the Ice-Kin had turned her head, surveying the crowds. Noting the silence, Ylthara turned her attention back.

"She's a delight, isn't she?" Smiling, Ylthara began to pull Únik away. "Please excuse us, there's someone else I absolutely must speak with. Come along, Countess."

Únik allowed Ylthara to drag her away from the older Hagragng noble, even as Lady Juurug clutched at her throat with nervous fingers. Únik considered, perhaps, that she should refrain from speaking in such an honest fashion. Ylthara appeared to dance around subjects with the same grace that she carried while riding and camping. Nothing wasted, as though the words were swords and the other guests her opponents.

Once again, Únik realised that this was not her world. Not anywhere near it. She had come from a place where words were only spoken in earnest, where things were always said to the point and with honesty, even if that honesty upset the other person. Seeing and hearing people as they hid everything from each other surprised and confused her.

Ice-Bound Promise [Wattys 2023 Shortlister]Where stories live. Discover now