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"She's drunk..."

"She's not drunk, she's just... happy?"

"GUYS! There's this hot girl by the bar and she gave me her number. Oh my god she totally wants my body! YEE!!"

"Piper!! Come back here!"

"Keep an eye on her Liz! She's too wasted!"

The lights pulsed with the music at CLUB 13, one of the most crowded night clubs for foreigners in Seoul. Out of my friend group, Liz was on drunk girl duty.

"Piper... come on honey."


"Yes. All the yeses in fact. Come on. Please pry your hands off the cute guy....."

"He is cute isn't he? Hey .. hey.. ssshhhh you're cute." I whispered close to one of the patrons of the club as he sat at the bar in faded jeans and a punk band shirt. His eyes being covered by his hair hanging in front of them. He was cute though, me and Liz were not wrong about that. But I was also drunk, and feeling a lot more daring.

"Come on, let's go." Liz pulled me away from the guy with difficulty as I kept pulling back and making grabby hands at the guy who watched us with amusement in his eyes.

"Buttttt Liiiizzzz... he's hot! Noooo hot guy come back! Come on Lizzy.. you're such a cock blocker... SORRY HOT GUY! I WANTED TO WET YOUR DICK BUT LIZZY SAYS NO!" I shouted as loud as I could hoping my drunken apology would reach the ears of the 'hot guy' I was leaving behind. Lizzy just rolled her eyes as she pulled me back over to Deji.

"I found her. See, we got this covered." Liz explained to Deji who was grinning.

"Come on, I think she needs to get back to the apartment. She needs lots of water." Deji recommended as she and Liz tried to walk me the three blocks back to our shared apartment. Along the way, I didn't fail to continue my self assessment of my current reason for getting drunk as hell.

"Why did he do it Lizzy? Huh... why? He liked me... I liked him... the sex was good, really good... like.. better than others I've been with," I pouted as I dragged my feet a little, both girls on either side of me, helping me to walk back home.

"Because he's a just one of those dudes Piper... he's just one of those dudes." Liz replied.

"Korean men are no different. Jihoon did what he did to get what he wanted. I'm sorry, I thought he was nice too, I should have warned you that guys are like that here too." Deji added, feeling bad about not warning me.

"Aww.. nooo sshshhh.. Deji Deji. You're sweet.. and a good good friends... and you have a vagina so it's not your fault. You... you have a vagina, like me and Lizzy. We're.... We're vagina sisters.. and.. dam it we deserve dick, great dick! Not mediocre dick, not good dick.. supreme dick! We deserve it and... and... we need it. We're students.. of... of.." I drunkenly trailed off, not that whatever I was going to say was any more coherent or profound than everything else I've said. Liz and Deji were grinning and nodding, appeasing my drunken state.

"I need a kakao hook up or something right? Yeah... yeah... grinder... they don't have grinder here do they?" I asked.

"No sweetie." Liz answered. Helping me up the staircase to our apartment. Once home, Liz got me changed into some pajamas while Deji got a cold water bottle from the fridge.

"Here babes." She handed it over and I smiled up at her as Liz was getting me into bed.

"Aw, Deji so sweet... you should have men lining up to fist you. I would Deji...I would fist you." I was honest.... And had no boundaries at the moment, even still it wasn't a lie. Deji was beautiful, she looked like a Korean actress I once saw in a K-drama before I moved here.

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