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This one is a femnaru pov :))


Naruto pov

I know that i look pretty but am I pretty enough in his eyes? Am I smart enough for him? Am I the kind of girls he likes? Am I...good enough to be with him?

I know its sounds stupid but I really do like Sasuke Uchiha. The school most popular boy. His dark shiny eyes. That smooth skin of his. The fluffy black hair. And that face , he didnt have any baby fat on his face. He got muscle that would make girls drool. Its embarassing for me to think like this but he is perfect.

I love him with all my heart but he doesnt need to know that.

I wish I was like that girl.

That kind of girl that have all boys attention. I really do want to be like her. Even though Sasuke didnt talk to her , didnt acknowledge her but it doesnt seems like he care about her presence. Everytime she goes to Sasuke , my heart really does hurt when he let that girl cling to him. I wouldnt admit it out loud but I do want to cling to him like that but I dont like to embarrass myself. I wish I can just say that hes mine but I can't do that. Im no one in his eyes.

Blue eyed blondie , perfect body.

Its sounds cringe , I know. I have a blue eyes too but its not as pretty as hers. I am in fact really are jealous with Ino body. Her body type is perfect. All boys would want to be with her. Her pretty long blonde hair unlike mine. My hair is short but its not like a boy kind of hair. Her hair is shiny but mine doesnt shine like that. As you can see , I am in fact are insecure with my body.

Maybe I should try harder.

You know what? Maybe I should try harder with my looks. Maybe he would like girls with makeup? I dont know but if that will make me get his attention then maybe I should tried it a bit sooner. To be honest , I never cared about my looks but when he came into this school , I just dont know whats gotten into me. Its like a curse. I would try a new clothe that I bought with Iruka-tousan just so that he will notice me. Sometimes I thought that I was a burden to Iruka-tousan for always help me with my clothing but he said that he doesnt mind. Its for his little girl after all.

You should lower your expectations.

I dont know him but I do know that he come from a wealthy family. If you see his kind of clothing , you would immediately know that he came from a rich family. I've seen his family and they looks so..rich , I dont know how to say it but they dont wear a clothe like I wore. My shirt is like $5 but their shirt looks like a hundred of dollars. I can't afford that. I'am not ashamed that Iruka and me doesnt get that much of money but sometimes its embarassing to wear a $5 dollar shirt when you're with a rich person. But I am grateful with what I have.

I'm no quick-curl barbie.

I am not pretty in my own eyes. And I'll never will. Remember the first sentences in this story? Yeah I lied. I dont think that Im pretty but my friends told me that I do look pretty. Who told me that? Its Hinata. My bestfriend. I know that she only said that to make me feel good but is it true that Im pretty? What if she lied about that. I know I should trust her but if me , the owner of my own body doesnt think that I look pretty , then how can people think that Im pretty? I am so fucked up with my mindset.

I was never cut out for prom queen.

Our school used to have a prom night. Iruka bought me a very beautiful and expensive dress just for me to looks pretty in one night. Why would he waste so much money just for me? He should have spend that money on himself not me. Other than that , he brush my hair and put it into a messy low bun to match with my dress. He cried saying that I look beautiful but I didnt think like that. My mind was at somewhere else. Thinking that am I going to catch his eyes in this prom night? My expectation was to high. I thought he would actually see me in the crowds but he didnt even spared me a glance. I didnt win the "prettiest prom" that night. The winner is Sakura and besides her is Sasuke. I smiled sadly looking at these two popular people. Why would I think that Im going to win this?

If I get more pretty.

If I get more pretty , do you think hes going to notice me or maybe see me? If I get more pretty like the other girls , do you think he would let me sit with him at lunch and talk to him? If I get more pretty , do you think he will let me befriend with him? I dont want those popularity just to be with him. I dont want anyone else think that Im pretty. I just want him to think that Im the only pretty girl in his eyes.

I asked my friend something unexpected that left them speechless. They never thought that I would have a crush on somebody. They never even thought that I cared about my looks. But now they know.

'Do you think he will like me?'is what I asked them.

No ones pov.

"I love Naruto but what if she doesnt like me back?"muttered Sasuke to himself.


Ah so this chapter is pretty long lmao💀 anyway i was feeling sad that all of my crush never liked me back and then this idea popped in my head. Everytime i confessed to them , they would either said that im ugly/fat or that im too weird. Oh well👩‍🦯

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