Still Confused

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When the rest of the will was read out, Camden zoned out as he was still in disbelief. He had no idea what to think and when the guests began leaving, he couldn't peel himself off the porch steps. Bobby put his hands on his son's shoulders and sighed. "Are you okay?", he asked, taking a seat next to Camden. Camden shrugged and he shrugged, "I don't really know", he answered honestly, "I really don't. Should I be happy or?". "I guess it's a good opportunity", Bobby answered, "It will give you some form of purpose. Sense of responsibility. It will all be fine". Camden looked up at the sky and saw the sun was setting. "I'll head for Saints Row tomorrow morning", he said, finally standing up as Payton found them outside. "Let's go then", she said, taking Bobby's hand and they all walked to the car, a Seat Leon and began the journey home. Camden rested his head against the window and closed his eyes. It was going to be a hard evening for them all. 

When the family got home, Camden headed straight up to his room, found some spare boxes and began packing his room. He had been staying with his parents for the last 8 months as he was fresh out of college and trying to find work to kickstart his career as a teacher. He cleared his bookshelves, emptied his wardrobe and made sure his room was completely cleared. Camden made 7 trips in total to his car, a blue Subaru Impreza. It was filled to the gills with boxes and when he put the final box in, Camden felt a little bit empty. Payton made it outside and she smiled at her son. "This is good", she said, "You'll thrive working with those kids". They both knew this was a lie and East-Brick was infamous all over the country for all the wrong reasons; murder, drugs, gangs, guns and everything in between. "I can try to make the residents' lives a little bit easier", Camden said, forcing a smile, "I'll have to have an early start though". Payton nodded. She hugged her son and then the two of them headed back into the house. Bobby was watching an Al Capone documentary and they all tuned in, having one last family night in before everything changed. Camden knew he wouldn't be able to see his parents too often as he knew Stepan basically just had Christmas Day off and knowing that killed him. He was going to be plunged into a whole new world. 

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