Chapter 1 2

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>y/n POV<

The next day, I couldn't concentrate on anything. Harry Styles was all I was thinking about. Throughout the day I was just daydreaming and being anxious about how will I face him tonight.

Don't get me wrong I do not regret kissing him, I just don't know how to react around him anymore. I hope I don't scare him away by being too enthusiastic or come off as really uninterested. Urgh! The over-thinking is gonna kill me now.

"Babe, are you even listening to me?" Sebastian's voice bought me back to reality.

"huh? Sorry, I zoned out. Ooops!" I gave him a cheeky smile while sipping my hot cup of morning coffee. We were sitting in a cafe grabbing our breakfasts, if that's what you wanna call it, as usual.

"it's okay, bud, you are having a crazier week than me," he said, shaking his head

"alright you finish that off quickly if you don't want us to have detention for being late today" he continued as he started to get up and walk out to his car, we were riding together today as I was too lazy to drive and sleepy too. So it was not really safe for me to drive right now.

I quickly gulped the remaining caffeine down my throat effectively burning my insides and got up to follow Seb to his car and we were off to face another day in that hell hole.


Last Lecture of the day

Only ten minutes were left for today's lectures to be over. Ten excruciatingly long and painful minutes. I already had 2 assignments to complete and prepare for a crucial test next week after work. So naturally, I was hoping that we don't get any homework in this class.

"Alright class that was it for today. You guys have to make a presentation on this topic which is to submit within 3 days if you want good grades. Class dismissed!"

yay I am so lucky aren't I? So this means this calls for desperate measures. I walked straight to the library to finish at least two assignments before my shift at the diner, successfully missing my second meal of the day, sighhh. I rushed to the library to work my ass off texting Sebastian side by side.

Me: Don't wait for me. I have tons of assignments to complete so I'll be in the library, working. Also, I'll walk to work today, don't worry and study if you don't wanna fail this time. See ya later.Xoxo

I turned on the airplane mode and started with the torture.

After an hour and a half of working my brains out, I realised that I was reaaaaally late for work, I quickly packed my things and rushed out of the library and partially ran to the diner.

I reached the diner, panting and looking like I had just run a marathon. I went to the bathroom and washed my face to cool down a bit and took out the extra pair of clothes that always stay in my bag.

I peeled off the sweaty outfit I had on earlier and threw on a cute sundress and sprayed some perfume to cancel the stinking smell of sweat. Erghh gross! After throwing my hair back in a high bun and touching up my light makeup, VOILA! I am ready for work.

I went to the kitchen to pick up my apron and notepad and started taking orders from the customers.

Today was a busy day, the Millers will come late today as they had some work, so till they arrive we, Stacey and I, had to look after everything. Stacey was at the cash counter and I was hoping between tables to take orders and serve food.

When everyone was either settled or gone and we had some time to breathe, Stacey bombarded me with questions

"you were late I thought I had to handle all this alone!!"
"where were you?"
"are you ok? You look a little pale"
"why  are panting??"
"your phone was off I was so worried!!"
"I thought you got kidnapped or something"

"geez! thanks, woman. I went straight to the library to complete my pending assignments so I could prepare for my test after my shift get over" I said.

"When did you have lunch?" she asked curiously.

"ehh, skipped."



"you are stupid" she face palmed herself.

Suddenly, I felt a little dizzy but pushed it back as a couple just entered the diner and went straight back to work, forgetting all about being dizzy.

After an hour or so Ella and George came, Ella took over the cash counter and Stacey eased my burden of waitressing the whole diner alone.

"Babe I feel you should eat something. You are really looking very pale and you skipped 2 meals. Fuck does that means you only had your morning coffee or what?" she questioned, wide-eyed.

"yea lemme just clean these remaining tables before anybody else comes then I'll eat something"

I cleaned all the tabled and went to keep the rag inside the kitchen to keep the rag in the cleaning supplies closet when everything around me started spinning real fast and I had to sit on the floor to keep myself steady.

I sat on the floor for five minutes and finally picked up the strength to get up and get to work.

As I walked out of the closet the room started spinning again so I closed my eyes and welcomed the darkness.


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08, 2022 ⏰

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