⚡2:New York my new normal⚡

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(Photo of Libby)

I have been in New York for a fortnight now and I have farmiliarized myself with almost everywhere. It is a beautiful city.My favourite place so far is the central park.

I am currently looking for an apartment. The hotel has been accommodating but it's time I settle in fully to a place i can call home. I have been apartment hunting all week but no luck. I just hope today I find an apartment that suits me.

After getting ready for the day, I take my purse and put Libby on a leash and leave the hotel. I used the pamphlet that  the sweet driver gave me and another provided by the hotel. I took a cab to Green woods estate.

They showed me all the apartments they offered. It was tiring and nothing really captivated me but the last one was just right. The décor was amazing. It was a two bedroom apartment ,two baths , a kitchen , study and living room.

It looked awesome and best of all the study had an overview of New York city. After signing the papers and making payment they gave me the keys to my apartment. Finally I own a house.
All that is left in my list is a job and doing some shopping. I have applied for  jobs in various hospitals and all I am waiting for is a reply from them. I have quite a few interviews scheduled for next week.

(At the mall)

I have a long list of shopping. First I went to the kitchenware section and bought all utensils need then to the dog section. I bought Libby food, toys and a new leash.

I then bought a few clothes for myself and some deco for my balcony and room. The bags had began to be heavy and I was still holding Libby on a leash. "Ugh Libby just stay still will you?"I groaned as I tried to hold Libby firmly by her leash.

"Libby!"I shouted as she loosely slipped out of my grip. As I tried to catch her, I bumped into someone. "Hey watch where you are going bitch" the person growled. "I am sorry but there is no need to call me a bitch "I apologised. Why are people so rude? Uggh!

"You have some nerve talking to me like that. Do you know who I am?"she asked. "I don't know and I don't care" I left her and went to get Libby. She deserved the answer. I mean why should someone feel so entitled? "Good vibes" I chanted as I went to get Libby.

Libby was in the hands of the woman whose husband I saved weeks earlier. "Hello we meet again"she said and smiled warmly at me. "We surely do"I smiled back at her. "Honey come look she is the girl that saved you the other day" she called out to her husband. I admire how close they are. They actually remind me of mom and dad and how we used to go shopping together.

"How are you dear?" I was brought out of my thoughts by Mr Miller's voice. "I am fine" I smiled at him.

"Thank you for the other night" he said.
"I was just doing my duty and I was happy to help"I said and gestured to have Libby.

"Oh where are my manners I am Laurah Miller and my husband Charles Miller"Mrs Miller introduced herself. "I am Adalynn Wood"the moment I said my surname her expression changed.

"Are you okay?"I asked. "Yes. Come have lunch with us and don't think of declining consider it a thank you lunch" after she insisted I finally gave in.
I followed their lead and we went to a posh restaurant that was very beautiful.

"So Adalynn tell us what do you do?"Mr Miller asked as we waited for the food. " I am a pediatric oncologist though as of now I am not working"I answered. "May I know why that is if you don't mind" he asked.

"I moved to New York a fortnight ago. I worked in Norway before I moved here.I am still applying for jobs"I explained and just as I finished, the food was brought. I was having Pasta salad courtesy of Mrs Miller while Mr Miller and her enjoyed a chicken salad.

"Oh don't worry about that. We will help you. Do you perhaps have your CV and resume here?"Mrs Miller asked. "No you don't have to" I tried to reject but Mrs Miller insisted"You saved my husband's life and this is just a thankful gesture. Please accept and there is no room to say no"she insisted and I couldn't reject her. Thankfully I always have them saved in my Email and cloud. "Yes". "Just send it" I took my phone from my pocket and sent it to her.

"Oh you are highly qualified. Come to Hillspan hospital on Monday. You already have the job" I felt like I was going to fly. I already have a job. "How?"I asked. " The Hillspan group of hospitals is ours. I just sent your resume and CV to the head of HR department and he said that you are the perfect one for the job" Mr Miller explained.

After lunch I thanked them a lot and they even took my number so that they could invite me for dinner one time. They were such a lovely couple. As I said before they remind me of mom and dad. From  the way they love each other to how they are selfless. After taking my luggage I went home in a cab. I will be so happy when my car arrives. The plane is supposed to land next week. Taking a cab everywhere is inconvenient.

All I have to do now is prepare myself for work on Monday. Thank you Mr and Mrs Miller you were just angels sent from heaven.

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