Chapter 6

270 22 77

Word count: 707

  I open it and close it once she's inside and lock it. I instruct, "There's a suitcase on the bed that I need you to fill with important things that you would want to keep, I've already done so." She nods and starts placing thing in the luggage.

  Once she's finished, she asks, "Okay honey, what do we do now?" I walk over to our king sized bed and move it across the room.

  Then walk to her armoire and slide it to the left a bit. I put my finger on the finger print box and it opens then I press the blue button.

  From where the bed was, the floor opens up to reveal a secret passage way with stairs. She looks at me confused and says, "I didn't know this existed." All I respond with is, "Follow me."

  I pick up our suitcase by the handle and carry one on each side as we walk down the staircase. At the bottom of the stairs was a little room. I flip the light switch on and put my fingers on the finger print box and once it opens, I hit the orange button.

  The floor closes and Mina asks, "Baby, what are we doing down here?" I reply pointing at the black door infront of the staircase, "Behind this door is a sanctuary for us that Mutt and Jeff helped me design and get built for incase of emergency in the outpost, we could get away safely and live down here."

I point up at the ceiling and continue, "Once this is closed, which I have done, no one can get in or out, ever." She says, "Y/n, you're scaring me." I put her hands in mine and sniffle as I try to hold back my tears.

She asks, "I don't quite understand, so from this point we can never go back up into the outpost, we stay down here? Why? What bad thing had happened?"

I reply, "The people in the outpost planned an execution for you, tonight." She chuckles with a sign of relief, "Honey, that's what the guards are here for, to help protect us and the outpost."

I respond, "They were in on it too." Her face drops and she replies, "Oh." I run my fingers over her hands, while still holding them, and say, "Don't worry, behind this door is a very nice living space for us to enjoy the rest of our days. The best part is, there's real food. There's a special fridge, freezer, and pantry holder that is designed to keep food fresh for hundreds of years, and there is enough food for hundreds of years, so we'll never run out. There's even a pool and hot tub."

She tears up and puts her hand on my cheek stroking it saying, "What did I do to deserve you." I peck her lips and say, "I love you." She replies, "I love you too."

The next day, you wake in your new bed next to your beautiful wife. You're holding hands.

(like holland and sarah do when they sleep😭☺️)

She opens her eyes and looks at you with so much love. I say, "Good morning." She replies, "Good morning baby." I ask, "Waffles and strawberries and then jump into the hot tube?"

She chuckles and responds, "That sounds lovely." I kiss the top of her head before jumping up smiling, "Alright, I'll go make breakfast. Take your time getting up."

She walks into the kitchen right as I'm about finished. I get the food on our plates and place them on the table. She sits and smiles as she says, "Smells good, thank you for cooking."

I respond, "Don't mention it, I love cooking for you. What would you like to drink?" She answers, "Just coffee." I nod and reply, "Coming right up miss ma'am."

I make her coffee and while it's brewing, I pour myself a sparkling ice drink into a cup, mango flavored. I take her coffee cup and place it infront of her and I sit down with my drink, putting it down.

We eat and make conversation before I put away everything and she follows me to the hot tub.

The Apocalypse ~ 𝕄𝕤. 𝕍𝕖𝕟𝕒𝕓𝕝𝕖 𝔸𝕙𝕤Where stories live. Discover now