Chapter 3

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Word count: 789

The next day

  I'm in the library when I see Mina walking pass it. I close my book and put it on the table next to me. I stand up and follow her.

  I see a few grey's talking and something one of them said seemed to upset her. She angrily walks up to one of them and starts yelling, "WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU JUST SAY?"

  The grey didn't move. She looked terrified. She adds, "ANSWER ME WHEN I AM SPEAKING TO YOU!" She tries to get something out but Mina slaps her right across the face.

  I run up to Mina and ask, "Ms. Venable, what the hell was that?" She replies as the greys quickly walk off, "Wasn't important." I ask, "If it wasn't important, why did you assult her?" A tear falls doen her cheek and I hug her.

  I ask, "Honey what did she say?" She answers, "Just something homophobic, i'm sorry y/n, it just got under my skin." I respond, "Hey it's okay."

A few hours later

  I go find the grey Mina was yelling at. I finally found her doing dishes. I walk up to the blonde and ask, "What exactly did you say about Ms.Venable?" She replies annoyed, "I didn't say anything about HER I said something about YOU."

  I ask annoyed, "Well, what did you say?" She responds chuckling, "It was actually quite funny, I said you were probably a little pillow princess in bed, you know, since she's so controlling and you're so soft."

  I roll my eyes and say, "I'm not, I'm very good, very good, I don't just lay there actually, not that that is any of YOUR business. I'm also not soft either."

  I turn around and yell out, "Boys, come take her away." Her eyes go wide and I smirk saying, "Not a softy now, am I." The guards come from the corner and grab her.

  Knowing it's probably going to be her last words, she says, "You're an evil bitch just like her." I reply, "Go cry about it." They take her away.

  I immediately feel so bad and start sobbing. A girl was mean to me, so I go have her fucking killed? What is wrong with me? What is wrong with me?

  I go into an empty purple's room and climb into the bed still sobbing. A few hours later Mina walks into the dark room and sees me.

  She walks up and sits in the middle of the bed and asks concerned, "Hey sweetie, I've been looking everywhere for you. What's wrong?"

  I reply, "I did, I did a thing, a bad thing, a very bad thing." I start crying again and she lays down and let's me cling onto her chest.

  She says moving her fingers up and down my arm, "Baby what happened?" I respond, "All my life people have though I was just this soft little thing that can't handle things. She pissed me off and I went off. So, so I, I snapped, I had her killed, like tortured and murdered, I'm a murder Mina."

  Mina says, "Baby it's okay, it's okay, I've lost my temper too like that." I sit up quickly and ask, "What?" She sits up and replies, "Yeah I mean, where did you think Henry went? Or Alexis?"

  I jump off the bed and say, "Oh my god! You killed them!" She nods and I let me knees to the floor and put my hands over my mouth.

  She gets up and sits next to me saying, "Y/n, it's okay." I respond, "No, no it's not you killed them! I new you could be a little cold to people sometimes but I never new you were capable of ending peoples lives."

  She responds, "Don't be upset, you've done it too." I answer, "Oh no no no, you don't get to turn this around on me! I can't believe you. How do you not feel guilty?" She replies, "I don't know, I just don't."

She adds crying, "I love you y/n, I'm sorry, please don't hate me." I immediately soften and hug her replying, "Hey hey no, I could never hate you! I love you so much!"

She says, "I'm just so scared that I'm going to do something one day to make you so mad at me that you'll leave. I've never felt love before you. Not any kind of love like romantic or friendship like or family like. I can't lose you, you're the best thing that's ever happened to me."

I respond, "It's okay, I know, I know. That will never happen, I'll always be here." She asks, "Promise?" I answer, "Yes Mina of course."

The Apocalypse ~ 𝕄𝕤. 𝕍𝕖𝕟𝕒𝕓𝕝𝕖 𝔸𝕙𝕤Where stories live. Discover now