Chapter 8

252 22 13

⚠️TW for throwing up & sucide dissuasion

Word count: 730

We get dressed and Mina walks back to the cozy room to read. I instead take a nap. I wake up and get a cute idea. I strip to nothing and walk out of the bedroom and into the cozy reading room to see Mina.

I put my hand on the wall and she looks up at me and blushes. I bit my lip and ask, "See something you like?" She puts her book down and holds out her arms.

  I walk towards her and sit in her lap, on the recliner chair with my head on her chest. She covers me with a blanket and runs her fingers up and down my arm. She says smiling, "You're the cutest."

A year later

  I'm making lunch in the kitchen and Mina walks up to me and says, "I'll get it, just sit down honey." I nod and sit on the kitchen table chair. She asks, "Are you still not feeling well?"

  I reply, "Yeah it's so weird, my stomach hurts I'm nauseous, my head hurts, I don't get it." She asks, "I'm sorry. How come if you're nauseous, you're making lunch?"

  I answer, "I haven't eaten anything in a while because of this so even if I throw it back up, at least I tried to put something into my stomach." She nods. I get the feeling I'm about to throw up so I run to the bathroom and open the toliet lid.

  Once I'm done, I look into the bowl and see thet I've vomited black. I start shaking and hyperventilating. I flush and quickly brush my teeth.

  Mina runs in and asks concerned, "Baby, are you okay?" She rubs my back with her hand and I say sobbing, "At least I feel mostly better." I spit the toothpaste into the sink.

  I turn to face her and she asks, "What's wrong? Why are you shaking so bad and sobbing? I know you just threw up, but there's something else, what is it?"

  I stay quiet and sniffle. I hold my arms to my chest and she asks scared, "Baby what's wrong?" I answer, "The only thing that came out me, was, was, was, black."

  Her eyes go wide and I fall to the ground and lean against the under the sink cabinet. She sits on the ground and says, "Come here honey." I put my head in her lap. She asks, "What does this mean?"

  I reply, "I think, that means I'm bleeding internally, I think, I think, I'm dieing." She sniffles from crying and holds me tighter.

Later that night after throwing up black and brown stuff a few more times, I'm laying in bed with Mina reading beside me. She looks at me and says in a serious tone, "Y/n I have a plan."

I ask, "What is it?" She replies, "You are going to die very soon, we both know that, and it's going to be excruciatingly painful. You may only have a couple more hours. I have an idea. We can go soon and sit in the bathtub and make it all nice and cozy with sents and candles and then cut our arms and go together."

I respond, "No! Mina that's insane, you are not dying with me!" She starts to cry and says, "Y/n, I can't live without you, there's no point in me staying here without you. I won't make it."

I start crying too and respond, "Okay." She nods and asks, "Do you want me to go get everything set up?" I nod and she kisses my head and replies, "Don't pass away while I'm gone, I'll be right back." I nod.

She comes back a little later and sits on the bed putting her hand on my side asking, "Ready sweetie?" I nod and take her hand in mine. I get up and we walk into the bathroom together.

We step in and she lays behind me. I lay back into her and she kisses my forehead. I say, "Thank you baby, this is comfy and nice." She nods and sniffles replying, "You're very welcome."

She grabs two razor blades and hands me one. She says, "I'll go first in a minute so we can go about the same time, since you'll bleed out quicker." I reply, "Okay."

The Apocalypse ~ 𝕄𝕤. 𝕍𝕖𝕟𝕒𝕓𝕝𝕖 𝔸𝕙𝕤Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt