Chapter 13 - Battle On The Skull

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A portal appears in a large open chamber in the middle of Brainiac's ship. Alex, Brainy, J'onn, Kara, Kelly, and Nia step out of it.

As the team looks around, taking in their new surroundings, the ship starts humming to life. Large, glowing glass bottles begin lowering from the domed ceiling, each filled with bright globes or expansive city scapes.

Nia wishfully observes, "Please tell me those are decorative holograms."

Brainy's disgust is unmistakable. "They are not. They are shrunken worlds and cities, stolen..."

"I prefer curated," a disembodied voice booms throughout the chamber.

"Where are you Brainiac!?", Kara shouts.

In a grandiose and intimidating tone, "I AM.... EVERYWHERE!"

Nanobots begin to swarm in concentrated groups throughout the chamber, surrounding the team, transforming into spider-like mechanical creatures.

The nano-spiders slowly press in upon the team as the booming voice announces, "Querl Dox! Surrender yourself for transport back to where you belong and I'll spare you the pain of watching your pathetic friends die slow, painful deaths. Give yourself up and I promise to dispatch them quickly."

"Vril Dox," Brainy retorts, "Your hubris will be your downfall. I calculate there is a 100% chance you've underestimated my family and me. I am where I belong!" He reaches to his right and grabs hold of Nia's hand, "Now it's time for you to go back to where you belong!"

The nano-spiders begin to attack the team.

Kara slices through a group of them with her heat vision, Nia uses dream whips to lasso spiders and slam them against the inner hull, Brainy uses the power of his Legion ring to smash spiders together, while Alex, J'onn, and Kelly battle spiders in close quarters utilizing their well honed fighting skills to defeat them.

"We need to locate Jackson!," Kara exclaims.

Alex shouts, "You, Brainy, and J'onn look for the lab where Nia saw him in her first dream vision. We'll keep these things occupied here."

J'onn remarks, "Let's go!"

Brainy, J'onn, and Kara take flight high in the dome, weaving between the bottles, looking for a way out of the chamber when Kara catches sight of a familar city scape. Kara's eyes widen as she recognizes, "Kandor...".

As she starts flying closer to the bottle to confirm her suspicion she hears Brainy shout, "Over here!"

Kara veers left and follows Brainy and J'onn out of the chamber, landing in a dimly lit corridor.

As the trio walks down the hallway a bright red light illuminates the space. Nanobots start to seep out of the walls, forming more nano-spiders which begin attacking.

As they fight back Kara starts to feel a tingling sensation throughout her body. One of the spiders swipes at her and cuts her leg.

"Owww!", she winces in pain and drops to one knee. "How??"

The booming voice returns and cackles, "A gift from home Kryptonian!"

Brainy ascertains, "It's a red sun generator! Your powers are gone!"

"Not for long," Kara exclaims. "There may have been a red sun where I was born, but I brought something from my home!"

She taps the House of El crest on her chest and a protective suit begins to encase her. A helmet takes shape around her head and a shield slides into place over face.

"Hey, beautiful," Lena greets Kara. "Kryptonite protection suit is on line and yellow sun radiation levels are increasing."

Kara beams, "You're always so good to me!"

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