"He what?! "you exclaimed. You were speechless. He didn't inform you what so ever.

"Don't worry. We're going to be right next to you."said Xiao Kai as he swung an arm around your shoulder.

"Let's go to the amusement park! "Wang Yuan suddenly exclaimed and jumped in front of you with his arms spread out.

"Where did that idea come from? "questioned Qian Xi with a hand on his shoulder.

"I don't know. I just feel like it. So let's do it."said Wang Yuan with a fist in the air. You chuckled at his randomness and replied.

"That sounds like a crazy idea... Let's do it! "you shouted while punching the air.

"Let's go then. "said Xiao Kai pushing everyone out of the house.

"Am I the only normal one here? "asked Qian Xi while letting out a sigh with his head down.

"Nothing about you is normal. "you said while trying to push his head up.

"What about food. I heard that the ice cream and cotton candy there is delicious."said Wang Yuan as he wondered off in his own little world of delicacies.

The journey spent going to the amusement park was funny, crazy, loud and great.

"I know right." said Wang Yuan before smiling at all the rides that were in front of you.

"This is gonna be awesome."you said while running off.

The three of them ran after you as you squeezed through the huge crowd.

"Hey! (y/n)! Wait up! We're gonna lose you!"shouted Xiao Kai while tearing through the huge crowd of people.

All you heard was your name and you did turn around for a second but you kept running. You didn't know where you were going. You just went wherever your feet could carry. Before you realized it, you were sitting on one of the top branches of a huge tree. You climbed all the way up there but you didn't have the guts to even look down. The view of the amusement park from that tree was beautiful. Despite the fact that you were afraid of heights.

You shut your eyes and rolled up into a ball. Hoping that Xiao Kai would find you. You were still on the tree when you heard someone call out to you. You were very scared to look down but you still had to anyways. You were expecting Xiao Kai but you saw Qian Xi instead.

"How did you even get up there? "he asked.

"I don't know. Help me. I can't move. "you cried out as Qian Xi suddenly held out his arms.

"Just jump. I'll catch you." he said whole flashing you a confident smile.

"I can't. I'm weaker than you think."you replied with your arms around your knees.

Qian Xi let out another sigh before grabbing the lowest branch and slowly climbed up to the branch you were on.

"What are you doing?"you asked looking confused.

"Accompanying you. I can't just leave you here while I stay down there doing nothing."said Qian Xi as he took a peak of the ground. We were really high up so he didn't dare to look down either.

"You could've just gotten me a ladder you know. "you said as you changed your position so that you were facing him.

"Oh yeah, but it's too late anyways."said Qian Xi like he didn't care.

A light breeze serenaded the two of your as the sun begin to set. An uncountable number of colours appeared and faded as the sun set. Soon Xiao Kai and Wang Yuan finally found the two of you on the tree.

"So this was where you were. Wow how did you two even get up there? "asked Wang Yuan as he stared at the two of you from the bottom trunk of the tree.

"Come on. Jump down. I'll catch you. "said Xiao Kai as he spread his arms out for you.

"No I can't. I'm too scared."you said hanging on to the tree.

"I never knew you were scared of heights. "Xiao Kai replied with a smirk.

"Just jump down. He'll catch you. Qian Xi, you jump down too. I'll catch you."said Wang Yuan with another bright smile as he spread his hands out as well.

"Hell no. I would die."said Qian Xi hugging onto the trunk as well.

"Hey. I'm not that weak. If you don't want my help then fine. "answered Wang Yuan while pouting.

He suddenly changed from pouring to a smile. It was normal for you but his expression changed way too quickly so you were confused. You were still wandering about it when a slight push made you fall off the tree you were on... and into Xiao Kai arms. You felt the warmth of his body again and it was heavenly.

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