The Fire Elemental

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After making it to the Opera with our friends and making sure they were safely inside, Peter and I snuck away to get into our suits and into our positions. Little did we know, that Mj had noticed us sneak away and she followed us. Leading, Ned and Betty to follow us too. Peter and I were in our new black suits and climbed onto the cathedral tower, hanging from the side of the building. We jumped down to one of the ledges and looked out at the busy crowd for the festival.

"All right, we are in position." I said into my com.

"Uh, as soon as we see something, Beck, I'll, uh, let you know." Peter said.

"Roger that." Beck said.

"How's the suit?" Fury asked.

"The suit's are great." I nodded my head.

"It's awesome. It's a little tight around the old web shooter..." Peter explained as he adjusted his lower area with his hand and I had to do all I could not to burst out laughing.

"PARKER!" Fury scolded loudly over the coms.

"Okay, I'll shut up..." Peter mumbled.

Down in the large crowd below us, stood Betty and Ned.

"Oh, my god, babe, isn't this beautiful?" Betty asked Ned with a bright smile on her face. Her arm looped into Ned's.

"Yeah, it's real beautiful, babe..." Ned said nervously as he looked around for any signs of the fire monster.

"What's wrong?" Betty asked hearing the tone of his voice.

"You know, honestly, I just..." Ned looked around to make up and excuse to get Betty to get back inside. "I don't do well with big crowds, so maybe we should..."

"I have the perfect thing! Come on!" She excitedly pulled Ned's arm.

Mj, too was in the crowd and she was looking around all over for Peter and I. Her suspicions rising.

"Come on, Cate. Where are you..." She muttered to herself.

"Don't worry, Babe. We'll get away from the crowds, get some fresh air. You'll feel a thousand times better." Betty explained to Ned as they boarded onto the Ferris wheel.

Mj walked closer to a fountain that started bubbling and narrowed her eyes concerned. Peter and I looked on from the tower and noticed the activity.

"Energy Spiking." Fury said reading off the monitors.

"We have seismic activity." Maria relayed.

The ground underneath Mj's feet started to crack and break open. With Lava crawling out from the ground and up the fountain. She stared on in shock and fear as the people around her started screaming and running, with her not far behind them. The Fire monster burst out of the fountain and into a large beastly creature. Roaring loudly.

"Okay, okay, he's here! Beck, are you ready? You know what to do." Peter said into the coms.

"On your lead, Spider-Man." Beck replied, flying into the city towards the monster.

"Holy mother of god..." I sighed at the sight of the giant monster.

He had leapt onto a police vehicle and crushed it with it's hand, making it explode into a giant fiery inferno. I had no idea how we were going to beat this thing without getting hurt. The monster grew in size because of the metal vehicle, just like Beck had warned us about.

"No, no, no! Come back!" Betty shouted at the people down below them. They were trapped in the Ferris wheel as the attending had run off. "Come back and help us!"

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