Laughing comes from the living room and then I'm sprinting into the living room. Passing under the arch I see Drake, Liam, Mark and Dawson sitting on the couch laughing and snacking on popcorn.

"Where's—!" They turn to look at me with questioning looks.

Planting my feet onto the flooring I try to stop, but my feet slip out from beneath me.


   A whoosh of air caresses the back of my head as I fall backwards.

Pain spreads through my back as a groan is ripped from my throat. Laughter erupts around me as I groan again, closing my eyes and just laying on the hard wood floor.

Warm breathing spreads over my face. My eyes open to see Liam hovering over me with a laughing smile on his face. I throw him the middle finger before he slaps his hand in mine and hauls me up off the floor with a whoosh of air.

"First off, calm down man," Liam laughs again, looking over at Dawson, Mark, and Drake who are dying laughing on the couch.

Liam lets out a breathy chuckle and anger flares through me but I push it aside "And second off, why are you in such a hurry?" He asks, patting my shoulder.

His dark brown eyes stare at me humorously, his white shirt ruffling as he moves. He's wearing grey sweatpants that have white lettering along the side with a famous workout brand.

I let out a pant, licking my lips, my eyes scanning the living room.

Where the fuck is Amara!?

Where is my girlfriend!?

No sight of her.

"Where's Amara?" I ask, urgency lacing my voice. Liam raises an eyebrow at me "Seriously man?" He asks. Anger flares through me and my nostrils flare, within a second I have Liam by the shirt, yanking his face close to mine, my skin heating.

I'm breathing heavily, my thoughts cramming together as I try to sort out all the situations in my head.

"I asked. Where the fuck is my girlfriend?" I grind my teeth together as Liam's eyes widen before tapping my arm. It signals for me to let go and calm down.

My hand quickly un-fists his shirt and I let him go. He sighs, rolling his dark brown eyes, running a hand through his hair "The girls went to get tattoos." He explains calmly. He isn't worried about them. But I am. How the fuck am I supposed to relax when the last time we were out she got shot!



Not the point! Focus!

I hope she took someone with her.

I open my mouth but Liam cuts me off "Mason went with them so chill out." He states firmly, crossing his arms across his chest.

A sigh heaves out of me and my shoulders slump with relief.

Mason kept his side of the deal. Good.

Fuck, Amara getting tattoos has my mouth watering. Just the image of her with the ink permanently etched to her skin has my mouth salivating at the imagination.

"Did they say what they're going to get?" I ask, walking past Liam and sitting down on the couch between Drake and Dawson who are still laughing at my wipeout.


Liam shrugs "All I know is that they're going to be there all day. And Amara is at least getting 3." Fuckkkk. I can't wait to trail my tongue along those lines.

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