Wanda let out a groan, switching her cell phone to the other ear, and covering one of the pans. "I don't. Fine, I do. Maybe. I just..." Taking a deep breath, she leaned her back to the sink, with her free hand she twirled the ring on her finger, smiling to herself as she remembered that you were with the other three missing. "Two years ago it was just a stupid crush. She was also getting married, and nothing ever happened between us. I thought I was getting things all confused, but she joined my team, and well, on Friday she slept here."

"Wow, that's a lot." Monica commented thoughtfully. "I didn't even know you were trying with girls again. Especially after Jean-"

Wanda cleared her throat, interrupting "Yeah that's in the past, I've been with different people, casual dates. Nothing ever meant anything."

"Until now." Monica deduced, and Wanda was grateful for the hot pots because she could blame them if the boys noticed the redness on her face.

"Yeah." She muttered, feeling her stomach full of butterflies.

"Honey, if you like her, why don't you make it official?"

She suggested, receiving only a humorless laugh from the redhead.

"I am a divorced woman with two children. Not exactly what other people are looking for in a relationship."

"Now you're just being hard on yourself." Monica retorted seriously. "A brilliant woman who happens to have family already. It didn't work out with Vis, doesn't mean it won't work out with anybody else, or that you're not someone who deserves the chance to start over and be loved again, Wanda."

With a shy smile, the redhead murmured "I know I deserved a second chance, but I also know she can do easier than me. Someone with less baggage. Besides, I think she might feel the same way, and I don't want to use that to influence any decision."

"What do you mean?"

Wanda sighed. "I know she is attracted to me, we have been together after all. But I don't want that somehow, that attraction to influence an answer. Y/N should make this decision alone, if she wants me, and that includes my children, my complicated family, and everything else, I want her to tell me. I don't want to pressure her in any way."

"That might even be chivalry, but if you don't make things clear between you two, you could end up getting hurt." Monica insisted. "This isn't the first time you haven't been honest about how you really feel about this girl, but now you really have her in your life. If you don't talk to her, she might just think this is just a casual thing. Don't forget that you're still her boss, she might be having as many doubts about what it means as you are."

Wanda sighed thoughtfully. "I hate it when you're right."

The other woman just laughed, and the redhead could hear the sound of traffic signaling that her friend was still on the street.

"I think you two should have a heart-to-heart, communication is never a bad thing, Wands. Especially if you really want this girl in your life."

"Of course I do, that's kind of obvious, isn't it?" Wanda retorted with a tired sigh, taking one of her hands to her hair to toss it back. "She's been a constancy in my life since she became a part of it. Always around, a reminder of what I could never have. And then, she was leaving, and I thought, maybe, I could be a little brave. I looked for her to ask her to stay, because, despite my feelings, she is one of my best employees. But I saw her hanging out, so comfortable and almost reachable outside the office, that I thought, maybe I can tell her what I didn't have the courage to say two years ago."

"But you didn't."

Wanda let out a humorless laugh. "No, I found her cursing me in front of hundreds of people." Wanda recounted. "It was like a bucket of cold water. I felt so helpless. I've been trying not to be in love with her for so long only to find that I got to the point where I could make her hate me."

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