Chapter 2 : A glimpse into hell

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- This is basically last chapter, but what's going on in levs Side

TW // Homophobic language is used
Lev's POV
8:15 AM. I wake up to my father, yelling in my face. Nothing new, nothing different. I'm honestly over this crap at this point. But what choice do I have tho. I get out of bed slowly falling out, crawling to the bathroom to take a shower. I had to take a photo before school today. Great..! **One hour later**. I get dressed and go downstairs seeing the maid finishing my breakfast and also my dad sitting at the island, waiting patiently waiting for me. SO enthusiastic am I right?

"Lev! My boy! You're finally up!. GOing to be late for school we see again." His dad says snarly. " Yeah, you have a problem.." Lev replies with a snap. " JEez, i was trying to be a good father" "When have you ever been a good father??!" Lev snaps back!

"Whatever! I'm only not hitting you because I don't want any scars before you get to school, and people get suspicious."

"Wouldn't want people to miss out on that" Lev mumbles

"Anyways, before you go, I want to tell you the plan and some things that are happening." Lev dad exclaims
" Like??!" Lev asks sarcastically

" So there's a newcomer coming to your school, His name is Jentzen Rameriz!" Lev dads says confidently

" Oh I heard of him. He did that cool acting transition on tiktok and he went viral!" Lev sounds confidently

** Lev's dad slams his hand on the table making Lev startled. **

"DAMM.WHo hurt you??" Lev questions his father "Lev, He's literally your competition!"

"Says who!"

"SAY ME! He is trying to overtake you, his numbers are so close to yours, and if he gets anywhere, he'll pass you in followers, and we're so close to getting you into that new Tv show, and if he gets it over you..! We can't let that happen!" lev dad exclaims loudly

"Well, how do we know he's even a threat, and why can't I just ignore him? It's not like he could care less if I wanted it or Not!"

"Listen to me faggot!"

Levs pov: Damm, he went there. ):

" You two are enemies! You hear me! You will do anything to ruin him, and you are not! Never be friends! You here!." Lev dad shouts scaring lev

"Yes father....):" lev sadly announces

"Good, where on the same side" Now, take your Ig photo for the day and let's get you to school and show this asshole who he's dealing with." Lev dad says with an evil smile.

"Ok father" Levs says sadly

"Ok father" Levs says sadly

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Location: School

Lev pulls to school in his Lamborghini that he drove to school. Lev wasn't ready to do this plan of his father, but he knew it wasn't a choice of his. He slowly gets down from the car and walks in and sees his Boyfriend Nick at the end of the hall. He decides to go.

Nick: Lev!!
- Nick runs up and quickly makes out with him and gives him a hug_

Lev: Ok, Ok! I missed you too Babe.
Nick: So what's the plan today, we are hanging out like we are going somewhere, going to ditch like we usually do or like what?
Lev: welll, thats the ideal thing, but I miss having Sex with you. Like I need to destress myself, Nick:well I'll keep you waiting. *Winks*
Lev: Oop, ok. Want me to walk you to class
Nick: Yep definitely.
-Lev takes Nick's hand and interlocks their fingers with each other, and heads off to class.

"Ok this is my stop. See you later" Nicks says a bit sad "Wait, what about a goodbye kiss.." Lev pouts on it. Nick and Lev smash their lips onto each other and are having a full makeout session. While making out, Lev felt a big force on his back and almost dropped Nick.

"OMG! IM SO SORRY, I'll promise ill- " "WATCH WHERE YOUR GOING ASS HOLE!!" "I'M so sorry, I'm new and didn't know where I was going.". " OMG, It's you!" Lev exclaims "Umm, you know me??' " Yes! Your jentzen ramirez!. You think you can come in and just be so lovey dovey get away from it..?" Lev exclaims while raising his voice on him " Wait- Y Y your l l lev Cameron! I, I, I'm so so sorry, PLease don't-'''' Just leave!!" Lev yells at Jentzen. Jentzen felt pretty bad, quickly got his stuff up and ran walking past the couple

" You didn't have to be harsh on him.. He looked lost'' Nick comments "Trust me, you don't want to know why I don't like him." "Ok, whatever you say. See you later"

** Great, I did what my father wanted me to do, but it's not over between us! I now need to do this, even if it means hurting the pretty boy who thinks he's all that **

Hollywood life  • Jev Love story • Jentzen Rameriz and Lev Cameron Where stories live. Discover now