Chapter 1

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It was one of the best days of her life.

She woke up at twelve broad daylight, had lunch when it was two, took a shower when she was sick of scrolling through her phone and did whatever that would pop up inside her mind. She basically did nothing compared to those people who wake up at dawn, some even before dawn to work or do something productive.

But it was summer, the most wonderful time of the year for a student like her. No school, no school works after school and no waking up early in the morning to get to school.

Entirely doing nothing was her idea of a best day.

The summer sunset was streaming through her window. It was supposed to be the time where people would sit on someplace and gaze at the sun that is slowly hiding at the horizon, yet a person with a wavy bob hair was torturing her throat and could be seen as crazy from another person's window.

"COUNTRY ROADS, TAKE ME HOME. TO THE PLACE I BELONG!!", Seren sang along with the music through her headphones, at the peak of her voice. Loosing her breath from her off tune singing and off beat dancing didn't matter to her at the very least

"WEST VIRGINIA, MOUNTAIN MAMA!", She grooved her way to the window of her room, feeling herself so much thinking her singing voice was so much better than how it is in reality. "TAKE ME HOME, COUNTRY ROADS.."

As soon as the music started to fade, through her window, she caught a sight of her Mom walking her way to their front door.

A smile instantly grew on her face. She set aside her headphones, mentally bidding a temporary farewell to what seem to her is like a friend.

Almost every time Seren's Mom comes home from work, she would see her daughter ascending the stairs in her pj's. It would always be nothing but pj's with different designs.

"Something stinks.", Her Mom said, scrunching her nose with a recognizable joking grin, which she replied with a joking roll of her eyes.

"Mom, I told you. I take a shower everyday."

Her Mom pursed her lips with the raise of her brows. "Oh, I thought you're wearing the same pyjamas as yesterday."

"I was wearing a grey one yesterday. Right now..", she glanced down at her clothes which seemed to be grey. "It's a different shade of grey.", She shrugged her shoulders, and she was sure that her Mom knew that she was telling the truth.

Her Mom just sighed with a slight disbelief smile, but partly finding her daughter adorable. "Let's set aside your many pair of pj's for awhile, I have something very important to tell you."

Seren nodded her head. She may look calm on the outside, but inside, she was a bit nervous for what's her Mom going to say. It shouldn't make her easily feel that way, but the way how her Mom said that it some sort of crucial, she just couldn't help but to think that it was something that would affect her too.

"Last time, I told you that we were having a business trip, right?", Her Mom started which she replied with a nod then again. "At those times where I'm going to be away from home, Mr. Kim offered us something."

By the look of her Mom's face, it appeared that she wasn't going to like what she was about to hear. "What is it? You're business trip is going to take for just a week, right?", It somehow horrified her when her Mom slightly shook her head. "I told you I'm going to be okay for a week without you.", She forced herself to smile.

She was still hoping that all her negative assumptions, will just stay as assumptions. She didn't care about any offer, she just wanted that what she was saying to her Mom was just the case.

Proportional Feelings | Kim MingyuNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ