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Dear Readers,

Thank you for choosing to read "Not So Innocent"! Dara and I have worked so hard to make this book enjoyable and, as of right now, NSI has 423 views and 96 votes! 

First off, Dara and I want to thank you all for the support NSI has received. She and I spent hours editing and writing this book, and such a positive response towards it really means a lot. So, thank you to all of our AMAZING readers, the silent ones and loud ones alike! We love and appreciate you all! <3

Second, if you haven't already, please give NSI a vote, a comment and some support! This book means the world to Dara and I! We worked so hard and long to make this book what it is, so PLEASE give us some love! Thank you!! <3

Finally, Dara and I just wanted to say how hard it is so say goodbye to this book. Grey and Echo and Eric and Diana and Emily are basically real people to us at this point. We have such emotional connections to them and helping them grow and thrive in our book was AMAZING! We loved writing their POVs and maybe (just maybe ;D) Dara and I will publish some bonus chapters with some fresh POVs! Who knows?

Anyway, we hope you loved this book as much as we did! Thank you for being a reader and thank you for being so supportive. We love you all!

Your Friends,

Marabeth Orchid and Dara Rose

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