She hums in disapproval before she turns to Serayah. "Hows my beautiful grand baby?"

Rayah smiles brightly and runs up to mama with her arms wide.

"I'm great Grandma C, I've missed you."

"Well at least somebody did." She said while side eyeing me. I scoffed and walked away to find Lauren and the vulture leaving the two to keep playing.

"Laur I know yo ass hear me!"

"Watch that mouth you ain't too old for an ass whooping!"

"Sorry Mama!" I yell back. I go into Laurens room to see her getting ready to go somewhere. "Bitch, where you going looking like you tryna catch some dick?"

She chuckled and rolled her eyes, "Mama ain't tell you?"

"No what?"

"We gotta go to this dinner thing at one of her friends or co workers house."

"That's too long." I whined.

"I know but mama said we gotta do it or we could get an ass whooping." She shrugged.

"You still scared to get an ass whooping that's sad." I shook my head in disbelief.

"Nah nigga that's smart I'm tryna get a free babysitter for my date on friday, so I have to play my cards right."

I was full on laughing at this point, this bitch was really something else. "Onika, why ain't you getting dressed yet we gotta leave in an hour from now."

"Wow thanks for telling me ma"

"Chile just hurry yo ass up"

I quickly ran to my room to take a shower and get ready. I wore a tight black dress that hugs my curves and squeezes my breasts a little. I then made sure to put on some light make-up and straighten my hair before grabbing my purse with my phone and stuff inside.

I headed downstairs to see that everyone is ready to go.

"Who we going to see anyway?" I ask standing in front of them. "Y'all will see when we get there damn."

With that we left out the house to go see this mystery person.


We knocked on the door and waited for someone to answer. Whoever this person is has a nice ass house ain't gonna lie.

"Hey Carol how you doing" a oddly familiar woman open the door to greet my mother. "Tina girl it's been so long, I'm doing great but you lookin' good." My mother hyped.

That's weird she kinda looks like someone I know.

"Thank Carol you popping off too." Sweet baby Jesus. "Who are these beautiful girls?" Tina said finally acknowledging our presence.

"These are my two daughters, Onika and Lauren and my grandchild Serayah."

We all said hi its nice to meet you which she returned and turned her attention to the five people standing behind her. "Kids come say hello to your auntie Carol"

That's why she looked so familiar that's Beyonce's mom. Wow the families resemblance is uncanny.

"Hi I'm Solange"

"I'm Sidney, this is Jaden and Kayden."
The familiar child from earlier introduced. "Hello I'm Beyonce, nice to meet y'all."

Damn she's looking fine, at least this dinner won't be totally boring.

I shot them a wave and introduced myself, "Hey guys, Beyonce it's nice to see you again so soon."

A look of panic flashed across her face as she quickly looked over to her mother to see already staring daggers at us.

Please Don't Hurt MeHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin