Chapter 6

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Part 2
Damian wrote a letter that was longer than the majority of letters he has written in a very long time.

"Pennyworth, I am entrusting you with this. You will not like what happens if anyone were to find out without my permission.", claimed Damian as he handed Alfred the letter -which was in an envelope.

"I promise master Damian, that my lips are sealed. Now, dinner will be ready in two hours.", Alfred said as he was dismissed.

Damian really didn't want this, he wanted his own special secret to stay own his with no one to share it. He wasn't a sharing kind of kid.

Damian decided to try one of his new "hobbies"; he took out a piece of fine paper and folded it into a crane. It was crinkled and a little torn, but he was steadily getting better.

"Curses, I should have perfected it by now! Why? Sigh....", Damian muttered to himself.

He threw the imperfect crane into the trash next to his desk. Then he had a thought; that perhaps it's about time he had a "casual walk" down to the lair to see the progress of a certain case he must take part in.

The devilish young lad hid his box of colorful secrets again and pushed his chair in. He tucked his writing tools a way and checked his room several time before turning off the lights and closing the door behind him.

He had an hour and a half before he was to be caught by one of his "family members".


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