Chapter 5

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That day went well. Damian spent some time with Marinette and helped her learn equations a little more and reminded her about her promise before leaving.

Once Damian was packed and ready, the ones who were to pick him up came. They lead him to a car and opened the door for him and put his things in the trunk.

After that, they arrived at a jet and loaded him in. All too soon, unable to think about his new friend, he was home.


He was young; he grew habits, thoughts, and doubts in his mind that made him wonder if he should stop writing and sending letters to Marinette. Sometimes, his letter where short and undetailed. Damian didn't stop, despite the feeling of discomfort. 

He worried more and more about what he was doing. Small bits of paranoia that Marinette is tricking him some how that she wasn't just a normal civilian girl. 

He does his best to ignore it, knowing that kind of irrational thinking will kill her, her family and compromise him as well.


Dear Ying,

This is Yang. I do apologize, but due to unfortunate matters, I must postpone our regular schedule and change it to something more distant. I know our previous schedule was already distant as it was and this one is even more so, but this can not be changed until further notice.

Before I forget, I know I can not always get your letters as you do mine and that it will take much longer until I do and they, at times, end up becoming a stack of letters in turn. Please note, that I am doing my best with what I have and I appreciate your letters.

Truly yours,



Damian kept his letters in a small box inside his mattress. Whenever it came time for the beds to be changed, he would have the small hole sewn together, even if it wasn't entirely seamless. Luckily for him, no one ever inspected the mattress when transporting it to burn. The hole would never be in the same spot in a row.


Dear Da Yang,

I am very sad you aren't going to tawk takl  talk right to me no more. But I know you like me too! I miss you lots, but I am very veyr very happy to get you letters! Me teacher is helping me lurn howe to right! : ) 

I can't weihgt too get your letters! please be saf!

With Lotss Of Luv!

Mar Ying


Damian, ten years old, he has been having a terrible feeling since the being of the year and has been tense ever since. The on edge prodigal child could only send a letter saying he can not write to Marinette as much as he did before. It's been months.

Then, his home, the only place he's ever truly known; was attacked.

The attackers wore clothing he recognized. He even knew who was in charge of the attack. A dangerous man by the name of Deathstroke. (There weren't many options for me to choose since it's between Batman, Arrow, and Well, you know.)


"Damian, I know this is hard, but you are going to your father for your own safety. I can't watch out for you and reorganize the league at the same time."

Damian mutters to him self and glares at a wall.



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