Chapter 4

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Daman watched Marinette scribble on the previously blank white paper. He was still bored. He had nothing to do and there isn't anything he could. Marinette suddenly stopped and stared at him with a pout.

"Is Dami sad?"

He looks at her carefully, "No, why would I be sad?"

"You look.... um.... your face go-". she makes a vague gesture to him and then goes into a thinking pose.

"You face is like kitty!"

He frowns at her and speaks again, "I am not a cat."

She forgets what she was saying and starts talking about cats and candy.

"Oh! I like kitties, but I not have candy either....."

"Why is that?"

"Cuz.....mama and papa say no....."

"You live in a bakery, I am not surprised.", he comments before realizing that she is starting to look like she will tear up.

Quickly, he distracts her with the hatch that leads to her balcony. He takes her hand and they walk over to it.

"It goes outside right?"

She perks up and smiles.

"Yesh! I gonna have pretty flowers!"


Marinette and Damian began to talk more and more. Damian finds that hanging out or as her parents put it, having a "play dates", was a good way to help with his patience. Completely ignoring the fondness that was growing or that fact that he cared about what her parents thought of him and his actions. He would also teach her some basic Arabic and a little big of math. He taught her some skills that would help her in the future. He also suggested to get her some ballet classes to help her clumsiness.

When he first left the bakery, he remembered to get the video her dad got and cut out the parts that had him in it. Tom would scratch his head as he had no idea if it was because he needed to get a new recorder or if it was the video itself. Damian let himself smirk a little.


When it came to Sabine sitting down with him one day and talking about not seeing his parents and how he would walk a round by himself....

"My family is unaware that I have snuck-out. They think I am in my room studying. I tend to have a lot of books a round me. I get bored quickly so I tend to do things that would interest me. Little Adventures seemed fun while I was here.", he attempted to mix truth with lies like his mother does.

Sabine looks at him with a critical eye before sighing.

"Damian.", she began.

He calmly looked at her.

"You should tell them you want to go play with kids your age.", she smiled before continuing, "We could help come up with a way you could still play with Marinette and not have to sneak out every time by yourself. It's dangerous of a small child to go out like you do."

She does not say anything about not believing him, as she did sense a partial truth. She hopes that truth would be something good for both of the kids.


Although Damian and Marinette would spend all their time together and sometimes copy Marinette's parents, he had to find a way to get them from talking more about him being alone.

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