Fake Boyfriend Dillema. 8

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Chapter 8

I was scared to skate, if I see Harrys or any of the boys faces while I skated I'm not sure if I would be able to skate for fun ever again. That damn near killed me to think about.

Ignorantly I ignored Harry and went over to Liam. "You're adorable Liam but lets get a move on, moving one skate an inch at a time will get you no where fast" I urged, failing to do so.

"I'm not trying to go fast" he shrugged and continued with his baby steps.

Oh Lord.


"Can I just say that you have gotten much better my friend" I mused, laying a hand on Nialls shoulder. He turned his head in my direction and smiled a huge teethy grin.

"Thanks Rink, I feel like I could fly at any given moment!" He cheered.

"In your head, my dear little leprechaun" I winked and he laughed.

"I may be as Irish as a leprechaun but I am certain bigger then one" his smile changing to a smirk.

"Sure Niall, you keep thinking that" I bit by lip in attempt to hold back my laughter and turned my gaze towards the rest of the boys.

"Can we please do something fun now?" Louis whined, pouting.

"You did last night! How late were you up to anyways?"

His smile faltered and while thinking he twisted his lips into an odd smirk.

"I lost sight of the clock after 3am" he shrugged.

"Louis!" I scolded, terribly if I might add.

"What?! It's not like I've never pulled an all-nighter, unlike Liam, who by the way is sleeping over the ledge of the rink" he said casually and laughing as he skated slowly away from me.

I made my way quietly over by Liam, his sleeping figure moving up and down. His lips pursed and a soft snore coming from his nose. "LEEEEE-UMMMM!" I roared from behind him, he didn't budge though, tough sleeper.

"You'll never wake him, once he's out, he's out for a while" came a deep voice in my right ear.

"Gee I would have never guessed that Harry" I rolled my eyes and sternly glared at him. He held his hands up and smiled. "The boys and I are thirsty" he pouted.

"Fine, you have 5 minutes, make it snappy" I snapped my fingers and he cupped his hands over his mouth.

"Emmz said we got 5 minutes!! Come on lads" he cheered and waited for them to slowly make their way to the consessions.


"I will see you boys tomorrow, get some REST," I looked over at Liam and he slightly smiled. "I expect you all ere at your regular times, things are getting back in order!" I said, nodding to myself in assurance.

"Bye Lee!"

"Later Rink!"

"Toodles Emilee"

"See you tomorrow Emi"

When I didn't hear Harrys goodbye I couldn't help but feel a little bit emptiness but I shrugged it off and walked through the big doors exiting the building, Michael was there so he would be the one locking up later.

My drive home was decent, I only got stopped by 2 red lights, out of 5 so the odds were in my favor tonight. It was the middle of march and Mother Nature sure was confusing this month with it starting to warm up earlier last week.

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