(7) suho's day.

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Contains: nothing!
I made a playlist and if my calculations are correct its easter when I post this so... happy easter.

"M/n! Good morning." Jugyeong said her smile bright as she handed something to the boy.

"Good morning! What's this?" M/n said opening his palm to see a bracelet? It looked like the one on Jugyeong's left wrist.

"I got us matching jewelry. I hope you don't mind."

Jugyeong shyly blushed.

"I love it. Thank you!" M/n said hugging the girl happily. Some students around them whispered at the sight but M/n didn't care.

He hasn't received many gifts in his life so it was just very exciting, alright?

"Yah, where's my food?"

A very annoyed-looking Seojun said from behind the two. He must've seen the whole ordeal.

"Oh yeah! Here." M/n carefully took out the warmed-up tteokboki from his bag.

"Aw! M/n I want tteokboki too!" Jugyeong said her tummy rumbling in response.

Seojun scoffed dodging the girl's attempts at stealing his food before walking away.

"Yah, Seojun where are you going?"

"I've still got practice. I'm a trainee you know."
Seojun said walking away to his other friends.

"So, he's just ditching school now, huh?" M/n said making jugyeong nod.

"The most I've seen him at school was yesterday and the other day. I think he just wanted to hang out with you before he goes back to trainee life or whatever."

M/n nodded that made sense.

"Mhm. Anyway, let's go M/n- wait M/n!" Jugyeong said eyes wide as her crush was dragged away from her, by non-other than Suho.

"Jugyeong-ah! Just go I'll see you later, okay!"

M/n yelled even as he was dragged away, some students in the hall just stared at them.


"Yah, what was that for? Jugyeong and I were just-

"Didn't you agree only me and you were to hang out, today?" Suho said his gaze alone was enough to send shivers down M/n's back.

Which was quite surprising coming from an ex-gang member. Trust me, M/n's seen some shit.

"I- did but you just snuck up behind me! That's kinda creepy no?"

Suho scoffed he's done worst like stalk Jugyeong till she returned home... ok yeah that is creepy but Suho has his reasons.

"Let's go."

"Where?" M/n said following the other, Suho could be really sus sometimes.

Suho, "Class, where else?"

Oh. M/n quietly huffed in his head this wasn't Seojun he was talking to after all. This guy wouldn't just ditch school just to take him places but it's not like M/n was into that either. In all honesty, just hanging out with the cold Lee Suho was enough for him.

"Nowhere ~ Now let's go! Just M/n and Suho today, right?" M/n yelled catching some students' attention before looping his arm around Suho's.

It would've been fine if the mullet head did that for the two to walk but oh, no M/n had decided to run.
That meant Suho's hair was probably messed up as the smaller dragged him through the halls.

Which also meant-

"So, Suho just straight up grabbed M/n and left?"

Jugyeong sadly nodded wondering where the two were off now. She wanted to hang out with her crush too...

Soojin and Sua hummed then their gaze set on two figures dashing through the halls. The figures appeared to be both boys and oddly familiar.

Wait is that- "Yah, Jugyeong don't look now but I think we found M/n."

"Huh, where?!" The said girl looked up right in time to see Suho and her crush, arms interlocked and running in the halls like some kdrama couple.

Well shit. Jugyeong's got some hard competition, huh? How the fuck is she supposed to win M/n over with two boys practically grabbing his attention at every moment.

"Jugyeong-ah don't worry about them. You've still got us to keep you company... you've still got me." Soojin said quietly muttering the last part but the smile she had on was nothing but genuine.

And Jugyeong... she found it breathtaking. Maybe she didn't need to worry about those two for now.

(Soojin being kinda sus.)

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