i want to sing you a song

Start from the beginning

Chuuya scoffed immediately, "I fucking wish. We've been standing here for half an hour now, because this shitty Dazai insists on staring at the karaoke sign instead of actually going in."

Needless to mention, Atsushi was speechless. Kyouka spoke up instead, "Ah. Shall we go inside then?"

The executive followed her inside immediately, "Yes, please. Anyway, how are you, Kyouka-chan? It's good to see you-"

As the two of them made their way into the store, their voices fading away, Atsushi muttered in concern, "I didn't know the two of them were on such good terms."

Eyes twinkling for some reason, Dazai shook his head, "Why wouldn't they be? They've known each other for years."

"Ah. Is that so... Anyway, Dazai-san, did you come here with Chuuya-san?"

The former mafioso tilted his head thoughtfully, "Well, yes. I wasn't going to come at all, but Chuuya said it was important for our truce, so he brought me along."

The Agency duo now walking into the store, Atsushi couldn't help but be more curious, "Does that mean you're still in contact with him then?"

By now, they had already reached the door of the karaoke room which was booked for their group. Turning open the handle, a finger secretively lingering at his lips, Dazai merely smiled, "But of course, Atsushi-kun."

That was all that was said before the door opened in front of them, only to reveal a large group of people, from both organisations. From the Mafia, the infamous Black Lizard duo, along with Akutagawa and Higuchi were already there. One the other hand, all the ability users from the Agency were there too, excluding Tanizaki, who had opted out because his sister couldn't join.

Chuuya and Kyouka were seated together in one corner, still talking. Much to Atsushi's surprise, his mentor immediately made his way to the Mafia executive, choosing to sit as close to him as possible. Well, fortunately for Atsushi, at least their was a seat empty next to Kenji.

Meanwhile, Dazai slumped against his rival, "Chuuya~ Is Ane-san not joining us today?"

Chuuya sighed in annoyance, "Nope. I asked her, and she said something about rather swallowing lava than attend a karaoke event with me and you."

Dazai raised his eyebrows, "You and I specifically? Us? What did we do?!"

Next to them both, Kyouka nodded sagely, "Perfectly understandable. She doesn't want her karaoke night ruined by you two, you know?"

As expected, Dazai gasped immediately, "Kyouka-chan, that's rude!!"

And so, conversations continued amongst the group. Kunikida and Higuchi looked rather satisfied too, considering that there were already signs of the event being beneficial to cherished inter-organisation relationships. The singing hadn't even started yet, and everybody was already getting along well! 

Soon enough, the last member from the Mafia group showed up too. Of course, Kajii made his way to Yosano immediately, asking her if she would like some lemon bombs. The doctor stared at him incredulously for a while before informing him that she was perfectly happy with her extra-large knife.

Talking about weapons and missions was forbidden after that, a new rule adding to the already long list of guidelines which resided in every single one of their message inboxes. But that aside, the drinks and food arrived soon enough. There was a large selection of drinks, including juices and alcoholic beverages.

Chuuya and Yosano reached for the exact same wine, which resulted in them staring each other down for a few seconds, before laughing like a pair of idiots. Obviously, they were absolute best friends now. The fact that they shared the same bottle of wine between them was proof enough.

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