Taken into a tight embrace Arthur didn't attempt to deny the touch, each in seek of their own comfort from the one who had even the slightest understanding of what each were undergoing in these moments after years of holding it together, unable to approach such thoughts of doubt of their own as they held on; nails sinking in and shirts being gripped onto, silencing their cries with each seam that threatened to snap, every crescent moon shaped line in either shoulder or back. Stricken with the reality of what had long since been avoided, knowing now that they were here together and in a way in this as one despite having to separate onto their own paths soon enough, lowered onto the floor in their own despair. Alfred running a hand through the other's hair in a gentle manner, in awe over how soft it was only to ground himself from saying something ridiculous. "Your secret is safe, nobody outside of us will know." 

He shook his head in disbelief, persuaded into a state of ease by the affection, "What a chance in a million." Serene with his words, cheek resting onto his partner's shoulder, brought to present time, still held onto as the two remained together. "Cursed, that's what I am." Able to see the rather baffled sight of a man before him.

As though his thoughts had finally come together, he met the lingering gaze. Alfred had never believed that this man could look sweet, something that would more than likely give him a cavity, as though that would cease his desires to be with him, to hold his hand and be at his side. "We subjected ourselves to quite the situation." 

Apparent that Arthur was well versed on the matter of their topic, he let his eyes rest, curling up into the others arms. "Appears to be so." A gentle motion as he laced their hands. "Don't let it dwell on your mind."

"I won't," No longer worried over what may or may not be exposed, able to look at what resting on his wrist without any fear of what could be brought upon him if someone found out.

Arthur pondered for a moment, strung in his thoughts as he once more begun tracing the King's mark. "How is it that you are able to trust me? I've killed many you know, there had been attempts I almost took your life in turn." 

A smile settled across his features, "Oh, that's easy. I can tell when you're lying, it's part of the King position." 

It took a moment to settle until dawned upon that all those time's he believed he had gotten away with every little act of affection to easily dismiss, was never dismissed. "You've known all this time!" His shriek alerting both of them, each jumping in return.

Quick to cover the Captain's mouth as the two's glance wavered to the door, silent as they waited for any commotion to stir outside. To which none occurred, a relief to both, in full acknowledgement they would have been caught, royal marks on display for all eye's to see; although a relief, it stirred some discontent that even if he had been in danger, or threatened that not one member of the crew would come to his aide in a suitable manner of time. What a disaster he had strung himself into.

Hand falling away Alfred let out an exasperated breath, nerves appeased with a shallow breath. "I thought you would have figured it out. At the most sensed my presence in some means."

Eased he once more laid his head onto the others shoulder, enjoying the small touches. For a moment he had felt betrayed, having gotten so close only to learn of something so significant, then again he had tightened around the same secret, agreeing upon the standards that he too wouldn't want anyone to know, and he had done damn well to keep others quiet; however, silencing Alfred wasn't something he could bring himself to do. "Is that what it was? Believed it was tension." 

A gentle hum emanated from Alfred, off in his own world as he considered that perhaps even he had overlooked that feeling, the one that brought to reason the sparks both received from a sudden brush or caress. "No, I didn't pick it up either. We were both anxious." More so full of adrenaline, after that one night the other had not attempted such nefarious moves, coming to an understanding that even if there was an attempt and, by no means, enough liquor involved, boundaries had quickly been established. That was not his fear, it had not been for quite some time nor could he recall a time it had ever been, more so his method of escape which had all become futile in such a short leisure of their discussion - he truly had no intention of keeping him there. 

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