I took a deep breath before taking her hand into mine, her normal hot to the touch hands were ice cold.

"Hey lex.. I thought we made a deal you got to come into this world first so I got to leave first.." I say as I start to cry.

There where marks and bites around her body, probably where animals tried to eat her while they where still stuck out there.

"I cant believe your leaving me with the two homophobic assholes." I say trying to make jokes, knowing if I dont I'll break down.

But even jokes dont stop me, I fall to the ground letting go of her hand and wrapping my arms tightly around myself as I allowing myself to rest on my knees.

My head resting on the cold metal table next to the open body bag.

"Lexi, come on.. you promised me." I cried even harder. I know that my begging and crying wasn't going to bring her back but I couldn't help it. "Alexandra! Please!"

I felt myself being pulled back and into someones arms, but I don't even fight it, I had no energy left to fight them.

I let myself cry into the persons shoulder until I'm calm enough to carry on.

I stand back up and look at the person who was calming me down.

Her lab coat said miranda bailey.

She was the one I talked to on the phone and lexi talked about her occasionally.

I helped her up, refusing to make eye contact before turning back to my sisters lifeless body.

"I love you lexi and I am going to miss you so much even when you would call to convince me to meet your sister or see Thatcher." I say as I take her cold hand into mine once again.

"You just have fun with mom, okay? I'll see you as soon as I can?" I let a tear fall down my face before turning to the woman again.

"Do you think I can have another minute alone?" I asked gently, thankful that she held me while I cried even if she didn't know me.

She gives me a soft smile before nodding and walking out of the room, I walked over to the window closing the blinds before going back to her.

I grabbed a Sanitary wipe and wiped her cheek before giving it a gentle kiss. 

"I love you big sis." I say one last time, even adding the big sister part because she loved when I done that.

I sighed before sorting myself out and walking out the room.

Meredith's POV-

We watched as Payton walked well ran into the room.

"Wow she really is you." Christina says as we look at her.

She had lexi's dark brown hair but other than that she looked like she was my twin.

She was the only sister who didn't want to get to know me, well except molly but we dont count her, Lexie said she was a bitch.

Apparently Payton had reasons why she never wanted to meet me.

But here I am, about to meet my baby sister. Who I strangely want to get to know.

As I look back into the room, I see that bailey is no longer standing with us but now sitting in the room holding a sobbing Payton in her arms.

"Poor girl, must be awful losing your twin sister after years of being together." Christina says before looking at me. "Are you gonna push to know her or?"

Originally I had planned that when she came here that I was going to do what Lexie did and force her to get to know me.

But I don't think Payton needs that right now, she just needs comfort.

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