Bruno (☁️)

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I cannot exactly say how I ended up in my bed after the drinking night I had with my friends..

My head was still spinning after consuming some cold water and cussing about my past self.

walked to the bathroom and stretched myself while yawning. Just then, I noticed how painful my chest was. I glanced at the reflection to only see some scratches.
,,Wait. Why is that there..?" Confused I touched one redish line. I hissed a bit and raised an eyebrow before changing clothes.
,,Better make my way to Julieta." I said simpleminded and went to the place where she would always give away food. Today her brother Bruno was there aswell. He had some kind of basket full with those soft and squishy arepas. I could feel how my mouth started to water. Due to too many people being at Julietas side, I just got to Bruno. He only noticed me when I was very close.
,,Holá!" I said in a cheerish tone.

He is such a sweet handsome man.

To my suprise his face got all red when he saw me. He looked around a bit panicked before looking at me again.
,,Mind giving me some food? I kind of got in some accident I guess." I scratched my neck a bit and looked to the side seeing how Julieta was eyeing us.
(B:),,Accident...???" His voice was shaky and it sounded like he was afraid. I raised an eyebrow and looked at him nodding a bit. Before I could explain things, some other people where pushing us. I just chuckled a bit.
,,I can tell you later on if you are interested." He slowly handed me an arepa and nodded while looking down.
,,Great. If you see me, just tap on my shoulder or something." I grinned and walked away while starting to eat. After just one bite the pain in my chest went away. It did not take long before I saw Dolores walking around. She was muttering some things while clearly daydreaming. I came closer and watched how she looked at me before making a slight squeal. I tilted my head and ate the rest of my arepa.
,,Hey Dolores. Are you okay?"
(D:),,Ah um.. hi Y/N." She waved for a short moment.
(D:),,Yeah I am okay. Just thought about something." She then walked away rather fast. I was completely confused at that point.

What is up with her today?

I shook my head before going to a shop. There, I got myself some candy. While humming a little melody I almost got ran over by a bunch of children. They were chasing after the shapeshifter Camilo who was laughing.
(C:),,You will never catch me!" Was the thing he said before one kid tripped and fell making him stop. He immediently got to the child making the others notice what happened. It was crying loudly having a bruised knee. Camilo tried calming the kid down. I came to the group and also tried out of pure pity. Eventually candy was the cure for crying children. Of course I had to share my candy with the others aswell and did it, even if I didn't want to. They thanked me before Camilo grabbed the injured child and carried it away with the rest following him. I just waved and went on. At some point I noticed Mirabel, who carried two big boxes filled with funny things. I came to her and smiled.
,,Need some help kid?" She struggled to look at me because of the pile.
(M:),,A little bit of help would be nice." Immediently I took some stuff to make it 50/50. She thanked me before I started walking beside her and getting into a smalltalk.
(M:),,Congratulations by the way." She said out of nowhere.
,,For what?" I wondered.
(M:),,Oh- wait are you and my Tío not together?"
,,Hah? How did you come up with that idea?" We arrived at the destination making her stop in her tracks.
(M:),,Well I both kissed yesterday. That is atleast what I heard from Bruno." I also stopped and looked at her in disbelief. She put down the things she had carried before taking the ones I had in my hands.
,,Wait wait wait wait. Hold on. My brain cannot process all of this right now."
(M:),,You cannot outplay me with such act. You know that Dolores had also heard some interesting things." She said the last sentence with a suspicious tone.

Did I kiss Bruno? When? Well that probably happened when I was drunk. I gay? Okay, Bruno was always sweet to me and maybe I could think of being together with him but...what???

,,Sorry I gotta go." I made my way into town searching for Bruno. He just finished his work and gave Julieta the basket while sighing.
,,Bruno!" The male with overgrown, curly black hair and gray streaks looked up at me before trying to get away. Of course I chased after him only to pin him against a wall in some quiet place. He looked at me with his innocent green hazel eyes which had me caught up for a moment. We both had a unsteady breath.
,,Bruno. Could you explain what happened last night?" Was the first thing that bursted out. He was a bit suprised by this reaction and looked around before looking at me with an embarassed expression.
I let go of him to give him some more space once I noticed how uncomfortable he was with our position.
(B:),,It reminded me of the situation.." he mumbled while holding his arm. I looked at him confused.
(B:),, do I start this." He thought about it looking everywhere expect at me.

I kissed him....

My face got hotter the more I realised the situation. He started getting the green hood over his head turning into the so called fearless Hernando.
(H:),,I was walking around taking a stroll and went past a bar. where not far from it and kind of looked sick. I wanted to ask what was wrong, b-but..." He stopped and looked down. Then he took off his hood and slowly looked back up at me. I was frozen in place and only looked at him. It was kind of akward for the both of us. Then I just said something that was not even in my mind before.
,,D-did you atleast like the kiss...?"
We both got more redish. He looked me in the eyes before carefully nodding.
And with this reaction, I felt some relief and relaxed. It did not last long to stay relaxed because he suddenly said something suprising.
(B:),,May it again sometime?" He just mumbled some fast words afterwards raising his hands to cover his face and peeking through his fingers to look at me even more helpless than he would normally be. It had me chuckle for a moment.

I guess I had a clear reason to do such stuff while being drunk.

He got irritated and stopped talking. With a gentle grasp I held his hands, pushed them down and smiled before gently pressing my lips against his.

Why did I not notice my own feelings?
I loved him from the very start with the bottom of my heart.

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