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I have a dream that my words will get out there
That someone will call and say thank you, you save me from hell
I have a dream that one day we can all be free
That I can walk in the street and show you the real me
I have a dream, you don't know me I don't know you
But bizarrely we all think and share the same dream
I have a dream where I am a king
And you sitting next to me my beautiful Queen
I have a dream where there are no more wars just love
And we can all live in this world and throw away our guns
I have a dream to become one of the greatest
Leave this world happily with no regrets
Look at the stars and say I am one  of them
I have a dream where I am the poet
People from all around read my poems
I have a dream, I am not Martin Luther king
I am me, same and always I am Krys

KRYSOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz