Stand up (1)

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•yeah right, find your perfect significant other. Sure. They always want or take, gimme this for that. All about their needs...


Love that burns and never dies. You think it should be nothing short of a mate for life, like wolves. It seems you're the only one with those views this day and age.


•A shadow? A feeling? Yes, a shadow-like feeling that dances across the bare skin of your right arm.

•Your eyes narrow and search in the dim light of a modern Babylon of writhing nubile bodies. There. In the darkest, a man?

•Eyes lock, the tall man glides from the shadow. Those eyes. Angry swirling colors of red, orange, and hints yellow. An eye of a hurricane, warning you a storm is coming, of the likes you have never seen in your short life.

•Frozen like a gazelle by the gaze of a lion. A lion that flares its nostrils to take all of your scent in. To taste it, as his mouth opens to take more of your "essence" in and drink it across his tongue. Scent is such a powerful one of the him.

•You feel a boldness stir in your body. You do not run from him. No. So instead, you stand and face him.

•His answer is a low chuckle with amusement. Your answer is to stand taller and curl your lip like a wolf displeased. Mocking you? Shame on him...

•A head tilt with eyes of molten hellfire. The man imitates your lip curl with one of his own. A slow reveal of his right canine. Pearly white and razor sharp, the lion merely showing its natural ability for killing. A rumbling growl crosses the distance that you can feel as if he is right next to you.

•Your heart beats faster but not from fear. Your body hums to his rumble. You feel he's challenging you, and by the Gods, YOU WILL STAND YOUR GROUND. Period.

•the challenge can not go... unanswered. Your mouth opens as if by instinct of bared teeth and hiss. Your eyes never look away from the stranger in the darkness.

•as if to test your backbone, he silently approaches. Long, thick ebony hair cascades over his shoulders and flows down his Crimson clothed back.


"Alucard" is all he says with a bow.


"It's a lovely night for a walk in the moonlight, don't you agree?"

Crimson Mist (Alucard Hellsing)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum