Chapter 22 - The Fire

Start from the beginning

    The team was walking along the riverbank that was slightly lowered from the main road. Ahead of them was a stairway that would lead them up to the main road where they will continue their scouting at another boat warehouse. There were four in total and according to their plan, they had to check all four as a part of the mission. Jules stopped just below the staircase and ordered three Capturers to head up first to check if the coast was clear. When it was he began sending everyone else up while remaining where he stood. Axel took his gun off his shoulder and moved (Y/N) behind him as they went up as well. Jules waited for them to pass and went to guard (Y/N)'s back too. She chuckled to herself, thinking of two guard dogs by the way they looked out for her. 

    When the team all reached the main road with their destination just up ahead, five of the Capturers proceeded to head to the warehouse first. Jules slowly placed a hand on his wife's shoulder, getting her attention. "We'll keep you towards the back of the group for now. These warehouses are big and there's no telling what will pop out. Could be a repeat of that demon we caught back at base."

    (Y/N) agreed. Marlin was pretty tough to take down which could be a reason as to why the group was being more careful this time. Tuca and Vam offered to come along with them but Jules wanted them to help protect the base since half their team would be gone. The Chief looked to Axel who raised his helmet up to scratch his nose. "I want you with the five who went in first. Make sure nothing goes wrong in there and contact me when it looks safe."

     Axel groaned while looking at the rundown warehouse in dissatisfaction. "Why do I gotta go?"

"Because you're my second in command. I need to stay with the main group."

     Axel loudly groaned some more as he went to catch up with the five Capturers. (Y/N) chuckled at how dramatic he was being and Jules simply shook his head. "You'd think he wasn't aware of his position in the group."

"I can't blame him. The warehouses are creepy." (Y/N) spoke as she also examined the building. Unlike the one they took up camp in this one was more damaged and contained way more boats inside and outside. Many of the boats on the roads were still hooked up to vehicles while one dangled off the road over the river below. The way the cars were positioned seemed like some people tried escaping to the water during the apocalypse.

"Quick question."

"Hm?" (Y/N) hummed as she looked to her husband.

"How would you feel if Lil B wanted to pursue our lines of work? Either a Capturer like me or a Keeper like you?" Jules asked.

     His wife raised an eyebrow. Wondering why he was asking this? "Why do you ask?"

"Just a thought I've been having. I know she's still young but with us being in this type of work there's a chance she'll want to follow us. I'm just not sure how'll I'll feel about it."

     This did make (Y/N) wonder too. She's never thought about her daughter growing up to be like them. Would she be happy if Lil B wanted to work with demons or against it? (Y/N)'s already been through a lot and dealt with a lot during her time that she wonders if she even chose the right career path. But there has also been many experiences she was glad to be a part of that she can't think of herself anywhere else. Jules being the protective man that he is may not be so willing to let their daughter pursue demonology. It's not like he has no reason to. Many people become traumatized in this field and possibly lose their lives if they're not careful. It's a dangerous place to work in. That's not the case for everyone but it's enough to make most deter away. (Y/N) would never want her daughter being exposed to potential trauma like her or worse.

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