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"My body is the enemy.
Which makes every ache and pain
potential warning for the next
big assault on my peace of mind-
see, there is probably nothing wrong with me.
But that's not what it feels like.
I have been through enough of the battles
to be terrified of the war, and it's hard to tell
pulled muscles from warning signs.
After everything it has done to me, I expect
nothing less than mutiny from my body.
I don't know how to take things casually:
everything is a symptom of a worse disease.
I come from a long line of heart problems
and broken backs and breast cancer and
some days I feel like ticking time bomb
wrapped in skin and I pick myself apart
waiting to detonate. Understand,
that there is never a moment when
I am not in some kind of pain.
I hear that's not exactly normal,
but it's normal for me. I click
like ungreased clockwork,
spent last summer in and out of
hospitals and doctor's offices
trying to fix a problem that took
five different specialists to even name.
A lot of the time, my body feels less
like something that belongs to me and
more like something that is happening to me
and there is nothing I can do to slow it down.
So I am afraid.
I am always afraid.
But maybe it's just me."

HYPOCHONDRIAC by Ashe Vernon (13/30)

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