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"People have to much pride when it comes to relationships and I think that's the tale of if you truly love someone. Love is about putting your pride aside and being vulnerable and allowing yourself to feel unconditionally for another person, without the fear of looking weak. Love is not a chess match, it is not a game, it is simply an understanding between two souls. You can't think you're winning a game, it isn't seeing who can go the longest without talking to who because if you sit and wait on it, you've already lost. You should express your feelings and put it all on the line, rather than ignoring truths and acting adolescent. Maybe, that's when you truly know if it's real or if it's over, when you finally take the courage to delete someone out of your life, whom you thought you could never live without. Swallow your pride and let the truth be known, pride isn't poison, but your ego is, don't die choking on your own ignorance."

The lesson I finally learned.

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