The moon and you

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"I have always been envious
of the way the moon can take over
the sky. The slowness of its silver bands
and fingertips. The way it didn't have
to knock three times to matter. But you,
you my darling, you came in the opposite.
The house is burning. A bottle of vodka
is knocked over, and the floor is drunk.
I am stepping on ash and your feet is swollen
with half-healed wounds, half-kissed by me.
There's a blanket smell of antiseptics
on the kitchen counter, and always,
the smell of you near my heart. Let's wait
for your clothes to get back from the cleaners.
Let's hung them dry even at night. The moon forgives,
and I promise, it can reach us here in the dark."

Kharla M. Brillo, The Moon and You

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