CHAPTER 4: confession

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So this morning was full of laughs, and yeah-

We head to the university as usual and took our seats

"Hey!" Tae approached

I just looked away..

It's not like I'm ignoring him and all-

I just don't wanna face him- like-- knowing someone who's never gonna be yours and still crushing over them is just- stupid!

I am stupid!

"Hello?" He greeted with a grin, I could notice how he feels awkward right now
"Are you mad at me?" That's what he asked after that



"Then w-why aren't you talking to me properly?" He sulked i could feel his pout even tho I'm not looking at him straight
"Am i talking to a wall right now?" I looked up at him while he just stood infront of me hesitantly


"Um- shall we hangout later?" He asked with those curious doe eyes, pretending like nothing happened a while ago
"Why not?"
He didn't say anything, instead he just made his not so cute bread face..

He's too cutee!! I didn't mean to do that

Later at night~
I'm not feeling myself

Something is missing..

Maybe I'll feel better if i have a walk?

I stood up from the couch and was about to leave

"Hon, where are you going?" Sae asked with her concerned voice
"Just for a walk.."
"You okay? You don't seem good.." She gently ruffled my hair as I sat down next to her
"I'm fine, ill be back soon, yeah?" i said and gave a peck on her forehead before leaving the place

Right now I'm standing infront of Jungkook's and chim's shared apartment.. I have no idea why I came here too

Should I call him?

It's kinda late though.. I'll just text him, maybe?




Can you come down for a bit?
I'm outside your apartment


Yeah now..

Hold on..
I'm coming


After a few minutes I saw Jungkook coming down while adjusting his hoodie..

"Hey!" I waved, a little excited
"Hm..?, Why did you call me now?" He asked, like he's so done with me
"Stop being so cold" i whined before dragging him out by pulling one of his arm
"What are you trying to do?" He frowned
"Let's hangout!" i frowned back

And he just started at me, like I'm a trashcan

"Now?" He questioned


"It's late!"

"So what? As if you'll never stepout after dusk?"

And he just rolled his eyes.. am i annoying him?

ME OR HER? || 𝕋𝔸𝔼𝕂𝕆𝕆𝕂Where stories live. Discover now