Chapter 1: Gods

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Michael's consciousness slowly getting back and he stoop up and looked at his surrounding it's all pure white. he is have no clothes on his body.

"Huh? Where is this... a heaven?"

When the Micheal uttered those words, unknown people appeared before him.

"Hohoho... Have you calmed down?" Old man said.

"Are you okay?" A beautiful woman wearing a white dress and white hair.

"...Is this Heaven? You suddenly came out of nowhere, so I was a suprised. My apologize. Let me introduce myself. I am Colonel Michael Wane."

"Hohoho... There's no need."

The old man lift his hand and flip his two fingers, and all of the sudden, a table appeared, atop which were cups filled with hot tea and soft pillow to sit on along the sides.

"Don't just stand up... Come on, take a seat." Woman said.

"...Well Then. Thank you."

The beautiful woman smiled to Michael when he take a seat, which Michael promptly took. the beautiful woman sat on the left while the oldman sat in opposite to Michael.

Excuse me?! Er... I don't know, But, What happened to me?"

When they had all taken their seats, Michael asking them. the oldman took a sip of hot tea.

"Young man I hope you won't mind if I ask some questions to you."

"Ok. That's exactly what we're here for."  Michael said.

Well, Let me introduce our name. We are what you believe in  your world we as [Gods]. I am Zaint, God of Creation. The woman to your left is Zanna, the Goddess of life and death. We are gods of a different world or I should say Another world.

"You might not know this, but your soul has been transfered in my world."

"Hmm...I see. So that's what happened. then, what are you gonna do in my soul?"

Michael accepted Zaint explanation without hesitation and he sipped his hot tea. The two gods were suprised by his reaction.

"Wait! ... is that it!? Shouldn't you be panicking a bit more like "That can't be!" or something?" goddess said.

"Oh, don't get me wrong, I am a bit surprised, though I do admit that none of this feels real to me right now. Besides, if all this is nothing more than a dream, then I would eventually wake up, but even if it's not, well.. everyone will pass away anyway.And I already know my fate that one day I will definitely die.

"Hohoho... you are interesting fearless young man." Zaint said.

"Well... I'm soldier and colonel so I don't need to worry about that also I don't have any family or relatives anyway, so this turn of events is a lot better than just burning away." Michael said.

After Michael said to those gods he was truly satisfied from the bottom of his heart even though he died, but that only caused the gods even more pity to Michael.

"It's...Odd" Goddess said.


"Amazing, you are the first human that no having regret to die... but you are satisfied."

"Well... I'm just a mere orphan who become weapon of the government that's why I'm glad that I die and now I'm finally free." 

Micheal said with a satisfied smile on his face.

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