"Yes!" (Soldier 2)

"I know it's hard to become leader of this group... but I'm glad you still have mercy on those people." Jason said.

"Tsk. Don't give me a damn gentle word. Get out, I need to rest. " Michael said.


After giving the orders to them, all the soldiers salute Michael. And left on the tent,

"Sigh. What do I need to do this? I hope this war ends. "


In the middle of the evening,

I heard a noise coming towards my tent and then said,


"From Unit 4, We completed the mission and came back to report."


The soldier man, who looked young, came to the inside of the tent and met Michael, who was seated in the chair.


"What is it?" Michael said.


"We found the spot of the enemy leader." 


Hearing his report, the expressionless man let out a long sigh, and it was like false information.


"Well then, good job on your work."


As Michael went back to his tent, he heard the sound of a gun.





As soon as he finished, he felt a bullet in his belly and a gun being pointed at him. It was an A-K.


Even before entering the room, he felt the tension and acidity spewing from it.


"My apologize, but we are now going to take this mission. You are no longer useful."


The soldier in front of him, showing  his nasty face and malicious glare, was the leader of Unit 4, who was always kind to him. But it's not true.



Michael, as always, stared at him with his empty eyes. He felt his life fading away with the blood flowing out of his body. He didn't feel any indignation or sorrow over it. All he thought was,



 "cough*." "So... this is my ending."


A soldier approached him and took the gun from his side and pointed it at his head.


And an unknown soldier comes. 


"You know I always don't like your orders from me. killing an innocent person. You are the worst leader I have ever served under."



"If you wish to speak any last words, just say so. If you beg me, I can spare you. Maybe I changed my mind. " 

"I'm...not... going to die by your hands."


He put a suicide pill in his mouth. Biting onto it, he slowly curved his lips. He ends his life quickly without any pain.


And then, after he took a suicide pill, he lost consciousness and died.






[author] Hello! Thank you for reading. And if you find anything wrong in this story, let me know so I can fix it as soon as possible.


















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