Ep 2 the adventure begins

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After Luke jack Ollie and Calum escaped from the police the four boys are catching some breath in a nearby alleyway

Jack: why did you make me drop the bag i could've been rich and famous

Luke: because those diamonds belong to that store if we took the bag we be criminal's and I don't want to be in a future with me behind bars

Calum: oh come on Luke jack would be rich after all it's all about the dough

Luke: we're not gangsters Calum (facepalm)

Calum: your no fun

Ollie: can we just leave already what if the police able to find us

Jack: they won't we can outrun anything even a pac of wolves

Luke thought's: jack is being himself again but the red hooded girl looked very cute I hope she's okay

Ollie: alright let's go before someone spots us

The four walked out the alleyway only to be greeted with a man with white hair

????: I've been expecting you four

Calum: (scream's) listen man we didn't have anything to do with that robbery

Luke jack and Ollie: CALUM!!!

Callum: oops.....sorry

????: I know you wasn't apart of that robbery but you managed to stop it mr Luke halliwell

Luke: wait how do you know my name?

????: my name is ozpin I'm the headmaster of beacon academy

Jack: so let me get this straight you know Luke's name and your a headmaster....I don't remember Luke going to school

Ollie: me nether

Ozpin: and you too jack halliwell Oliver Pennington and Calum Oliver

The four boys was shocked by ozpin they was speechless

Calum: ok....n.....now that's just creepy a random guy who knows are name's but we don't know him

Jack: y.....yeah

Luke: listen what do you want with us exactly????

Ozpin: just come with me and find out

The boys fallowed ozpin to the police station ozpin got past security but the boys found another way

Calum. Is it clear?

Ozpin: (sigh) yes it is

Luke: ok guys we jump one at a time

Jack: and who made you the leader?

Luke: myself because I'm the smartest one who comes up with plans

Calum: hang on if anyone deserves to be the leader
It would be me

Ollie: oh please i be a great leader because I'm good at kicking things

The boys started to argue but ozpin stopped them

Ozpin: we don't have time for this now boys

Luke: ok.....ok Luke you can do this

Luke: 1.....
Luke: 2....
Luke jack Ollie and Calum: 3

The boys dropped down at the same time falling on top of each other while ozpin facepalms

Ozpin: just get up and get in this room please

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