Bilbo, The Hobbit To Gain A Family Of Dwarves

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Thorin Oakenshield sighed softly as he made his way into the room that held an injured Bilbo Baggins. He hurt Bilbo terribly. Yet he took a wound meant for him. A wound that could have been fatal and nearly was.

Thorin sat on the edge of the bed as he began to dab a wet cloth to Bilbos face softly. His eyes starring at the Hobbit in front of him sadly. If anyone were to see him now they would be in awe. He was not a tentative, soft Dwarf. It was very rare to see him be tentative to his own family.

"I'm so sorry Master Baggins." Thorin whispered softly as he put the bowl of water and cloth to the side. "I have failed you my friend. My partner."

"You..." Bilbo started his voice hoarse his throat dry and his midsection in terrible pain as he attempted to sit up.

"Shh shh." Thorin begins to sooth Bilbo gently keeping him to the bed. "Don't try to sit up. You were hurt pretty bad.."

"You didn't fail me Thorin." Murmured the very tired Hobbit. "I knew the risks.."

"I hurt you. Mahal, I hurt you terribly." Says Thorin his face clouding with fear, sadness, regret, guilt, and more. "I promised to take care of you, to love you properly, that I would not let anything or anyone get in between us. Yet I hurt you, you still sacrificed yourself for me, and if we had not gotten to the elves quick enough or begged hard enough then you would have died in my arms."

Bilbo reached out and put a soft hand to the cheek of Thorin Oakenshield. Thorin let his eyes lock onto ones that reminded him of a river. The way at times when Bilbo was angry or frustrated it almost looked like a river with a heavy current. Or when he was happy or starring lovingly or fondly it was like a peaceful river on the warm days perfect for a picnic on the grass nearby. His favorite was when Bilbo was being Sassy. Those river like eyes got a playful tint in them, almost like a fish splashing in the river.

"It hurt yes, your words, but they were not actually your words." Began the Hobbit kindly. "I never once doubted that the Dragon Sickness was simply taking over. I knew the Thorin I love was still there. I just didn't know how to get to him. And when it comes to me almost dying: I would do it over again if I had to. I will never ever regret saving you. You are so important to everyone else. You are needed."

"So are you!" He exclaimed with worry. "I would not survive a life without my favorite Hobbit. Fíli and Kíli need someone outside of their Mother to sass them under control. Balin and Dwalin needs someone to help remind me to actually have a heart once in a while. Dori, Nori, and Ori have been distraught not knowing if the Hobbit they consider a brother is alright. Bifur and Bofur were worried their best friend wasn't going to survive. Bombur was scared his cooking friend would loose his battle for life. Óin worried for his favorite healer in training. Glóin feared for one of the few people to calm him down.

You mean so much to the Company. You mean so much to me. Never ever insinuate that you are not important or needed because you are important and you are more importantly: wanted."

"What..what time is it?"

"Mid-day. Would you like to see any of the company?"

"Dori, Nori, and Ori, along with Fíli and Kíli."

As soon as the five requested Dwarves appeared he had 3 hugging him softly as to not hurt him and 2 looking like they are trying not to cry. When he was released by Fíli, Kíli, and Ori all five surrounded his bed but so he could still see them.

"Are you alright Bilbo?.." asked Ori softly his hands wringing his shirt.

"Aye Ori, I am." The Hobbit glanced at Fíli and Kíli with a playful tint in his eyes once again looking like a fish splashing in a river. "Have you been good for your Uncle or causing mischief, and do not lie, Ori, Dori, maybe Nori will tell me if you do."

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