1: Storm

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Shen Qingqiu was having a perfectly fine day when it happened. The sun was shining, the temperature was warm, and he was sitting outside, drinking it all in. Then things started going to hell.

Firstly, Luo Binghe woke up from his nap beside Shen Qingqiu (and while this is not a bad thing, Shen Qingqiu considered it the cause of all this: he could've just ignored it otherwise) and pointed to the sky, his frown scrunching up his flame mark on his forehead. Secondly, when Shen Qingqiu looked up, he could see dark clouds rolling in. Like, really dark clouds. It almost looked like it would hail in the middle of summer. And finally, Shen Qingqiu couldn't activate the System!

"System, what's going on?"



Sy- em d- n.


Sys- em do-n.

"Never mind," Shen Qingqiu muttered out loud, causing Luo Binghe to give him a weird look.

"Shizun, I saw something," Luo Binghe said, standing up. Shen Qingqiu reluctantly followed. Cold winds started blasting through the Peaks of Cang Qiong Mountain as the pair left the safety of their rooms. Shen Qingqiu scanned the surrounding area, noting that all the disciples of Qing Jing Peak had stopped, looking up at the impending storm. When they saw Shen Qingqiu approaching, murmurs of worry broke out. Shen Qingqiu didn't blame them. This was rather strange.

"Shizun!" Luo Binghe called. Turning towards his lover, Shen Qingqiu finally saw what Luo Binghe had spotted earlier.

"What is that?"

The bunnies were scared. It was unacceptable, and Lan Wangji glared at the source of their fear: the dark, thunderous storm rolling in. Wei Wuxian was chasing the last stragglers around with the help of Lan Sizhui and Lan Jingyi while the rest of Gusu locked up tight. There had never been such a dreadful looking storm before: they were taking all precautions.

"Lan Zhan!"

Lan Wangji turned his gaze away from the offending sky towards his husband, who was holding a fluffy white rabbit and looking absolutely adorable as it chewed on the collar of his black robes.

"Lan Zhan, this is the last one," Wei Wuxian said, approaching him.

"Mm. Let's get inside, Wei Ying."

The four cultivators headed for the sprawling buildings, Wei Wuxian still carrying the little white rabbit. Lan Wangji couldn't help but smile softly at that. It seemed so long ago that Wei Ying had given him the first of these rabbits.

"Wei Gongzi, Hanguang Jun," Lan Sizhui said respectfully, before dragging Lan Jingyi off towards the junior's quarters. Wei Wuxian waved energetically as Lan Wangji opened the door to the Jingshi carefully, pulling his husband inside after him. Just as they did so, a massive rumble of thunder echoed across the sky. The poor rabbit burrowed deeper into the black robed cultivator's robes, trembling. Lan Wangji gently took it from Wei Wuxian, petting it soothingly and trying very hard to ignore Wei Wuxian's shining silver eyes. The source of his temptation. Another crash of thunder hit, followed by the heavy pounding of rain. Wei Wuxian drew Lan Wangji to their small table, and pulled him down so they were both sitting. The white rabbit, seeing the dark underside of the table, leapt out of the white jade's arms and huddled under there. Taking this opportunity, Lan Wangji circled an arm around Wei Wuxian's waist, feeling his husband relax into him with a sigh. Lan Zhan felt content, breathing in his lover's scent, cuddling together. So when a crack sounded and Wei Wuxian jumped up, Lan Wangji glared yet again at the sky for disturbing them. Wei Wuxian cracked open the door of the Jingshi, then froze.

"Lan Zhan, what... do you think this is?"

Xie Lian hummed as he threw in some cut carrots. This one seems to be going rather well, he thought happily. The pot of stew in front of him was a vibrant green and bubbling merrily. Xie Lian was sure he'd gotten it right this time. As he stirred the pot, the door to Puqi Shrine opened, and then a pair of arms wrapped around his waist.

"Gege, what are you making?" Hua Cheng asked, his breath whispering past Xie Lian's ear. Xie Lian turned around, smiling brightly and holding up a ladle of the stew.

"I thought I should make a stew with those ingredients the villagers dropped off earlier," he explained. Hua Cheng smiled, his one eye full of love as he looked down at the god. But then it disappeared, overshadowed by a look of worry. Xie Lian didn't like that. Hua Cheng was never worried.

"Gege, outside, something's happening."

"What do you mean?"

"Massive storm, and uncontrollable spiritual energy."

Xie Lian bit his lip. That didn't sound good at all. A sharp light followed by a resounding crack shook the shrine, Xie Lian almost losing his balance if not for Hua Cheng. The two shared a concerned look, then headed to the door, the stew forgotten. Outside, Xie Lian looked up. He could see what Hua Cheng meant about the storm: it really didn't look natural at all. Then his eye snagged on something. Xie Lian hurried over, brown hair flying in the strong winds. When he reached it, he sucked in a sharp breath.

"San Lang, this is..."

Hi, to whoever may read this weird fanfic of mine. I've been wanting to write this for a while, but I have writers block or something like that. So I pushed through and wrote this! Hope you guys like it!  

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